Message from the Principal

MMG Survey Results
Dear Parents and Carers,
Earlier this year, I commissioned an independent, confidential 'experience' survey (MMG Survey) of parents (Pre-Prep to Year 12) and students (Years 6 to 12) as part of our commitment to continually monitor and improve the quality of education we provide to our students.
I extend my thanks to all parents who participated in the survey. Your insights and feedback are invaluable to us and play a crucial role in our operational and strategic planning, as well as in tracking changes in our performance.
Overall, we are very pleased with the results. The key insights gathered from the survey, which includes areas for further investigation and attention, are available here:
An example of some of the 'open ended' comments you shared are also provided below:
Your voices are essential in shaping our path forward and we thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
Dr Andrew Cousins