The Learning Zone

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." - Chinese Proverb

"Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress,

and working together is success." - Henry Ford

PAT Assessments

Next week we will be conducting our Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT). This will involve students in Years 2 - 6 completing two assessments, specifically addressing reading comprehension and mathematical processes. Both tests are completed online and will give the teachers a progress snapshot of these learning areas. 


The PAT assessments, produced by the Australian Council for Educational Research, are adaptive, which means personalised test pathways are created as determined by student responses, giving a more precise picture of individual achievement. The assessments are also diagnostic – meaning their primary purpose is to inform learning and teaching. 


Over the coming weeks, teachers will work in their stage team to analyse the results and identify the skills, knowledge and understanding that each student currently has and what their next steps are. Teaching programs and learning sequences will then be designed to address the needs of each student and offer levels of support accordingly.

Armidale Diocesan Mathematics Initiative (MaST)

What is happening in the world of mathematics at St Joseph's? Let's take a look! 

Please see the information below to assist your child at home.


Maths At Home:

Kindergarten - Forming Groups: Multiplication

Kindergarten are using objects to assist them when forming groups. Can you answer the questions below?


Stage 1 - Fractions 

Stage 1 are busily working on Fractions.

When making sandwiches or cutting other foods, talk about how you cut them into halves. Use words such as half, even, equal, parts, quarters, four equal parts, eighths;

Involve your child in sharing with another ensuring that each person has a fair share. Both halves need to be equal.


Can you spot which group is split equally in half.

Stage 2 - Decimals

Stage 2 are busy using decimals in class. Here are some number activities below to start the term.


Stage 3 - 2D Shapes

Stage 3 are busy discussing 2D Shapes in class before moving onto Multiplication. Here are some number activities below to get you thinking for the term ahead.


Have a wonderful week of learning!