From the Principal

Mr Jon Franzin

Dear Parents, Students, and Friends of St Virgil’s College, 

Speech Night Wednesday 4 December

With the College now offering Kindergarten to Year 12 we are now in a unique position to review and update how we celebrate as a College community. Previously, Years 7-10 have gathered for our annual Thanksgiving and Awards evening. This year the College will gather as a Years 3–12 community to acknowledge the academic achievements and major award winner recipients across these year levels and provide an opportunity to showcase our talented group of musicians and performers. It will also be an opportunity to celebrate our Year 12 Graduates who for the first time in over 30 years will complete their final year of education at St Virgil’s College.   


Speech Night (formerly known as Thanksgiving and Awards Evening) will be held on Wednesday 4 December at MyState Arena with a 6.00 pm for a 6.30 pm start. I look forward to welcoming students, parents/carers and the broader College community to this very important event where we will celebrate our young men and their achievements in 2024. 

Planning for 2025

Planning is well underway for 2025 with subject selection processes being finalised and staffing being determined for next year. To provide certainty with our planning, a letter will be forwarded to all families soon seeking feedback from you about your child’s enrolment in 2025. Once received I would ask that you respond accordingly to assist with College planning.

Choomalaka Festival & Feast

A reminder that our whole College performing arts festival will take place next Friday 20 September commencing at 5.30 pm at the Austins Ferry Campus. I know that students and staff alike are looking forward to the opportunity to showcase their gifts and talents in front of family and friends after months of rehearsals. Food vans will be available on the night and I look forward to seeing our College community coming together to celebrate the Performing Arts. 

Best wishes for the week ahead.


Jon Franzin