Freeman House News

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
As we come to the end of another busy and productive term, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on our achievements and celebrate the successes of our students.
Firstly, a big congratulations to all our students for their hard work and dedication throughout the term! Whether it’s in the classroom, on the sports field, or through creative and community projects, you have demonstrated resilience, commitment, and an eagerness to learn. As you head into the well-deserved break, take pride in your efforts. Use this time to relax, recharge, and reflect on what you’ve achieved.
A special mention goes to our Year 12 students who are nearing the end of their final year of school. The journey to the finish line is within reach, and we are incredibly proud of your perseverance and hard work. With the VCAA exams just around the corner, we wish you the very best in your preparations. Remember to pace yourselves, seek support when needed, and trust in the knowledge and skills you’ve gained over your years of schooling. Your teachers and peers are behind you every step of the way.
We would also like to celebrate the achievements of students who have been nominated for awards in the categories of Respect, Learning, and Working Together. These students have gone above and beyond in demonstrating our school’s core values, and it is wonderful to see so many of you being recognized for your contributions. Congratulations to the following students for receiving Values Awards at our most recent House Assembly.
We are proud of each and every one of you!
Freeman Student of the Month
This month we celebrate the dedicated and hard-working Emmanuel Lacomel. Emmanual is a motivated, respectful and positive individual who excels in Math and also participated the write a book in a day event. The book that Emmanuel contributed to is being donated to children in hospital with cancer and the money raised from sales is being donated to the Kids Cancer project.
Name: Emmanuel Lacomel Jr.
Favourite Subject: Math and Sport
Favourite Food: Chicken
Favourite Style of Music: R&B
Hobbies: Playing volleyball, guitar and reading
Movies you would recommend: How to Train Your Dragon
Series you would recommend: Brooklyn 99
Quote you live by: “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
Who do you look up to and why? I look up to my dad because he is strong. Teaching me to care of others, stay positive and encouraged me to always look out for myself. He’s someone you can always depend on and has dedicated his life to create a supporting environment growing up.
What is a piece of advice you would give to other students? Remember to always invest into your hobbies and develop the good habits you possess. The first step to long-term success is caring for your wellbeing.