Mabo House News

Hello Mabo Students and parents/carers,
Can you believe that Term 3 is coming to an end? We as a House Team cannot believe how quick the year is going and wanted to congratulate you all on your efforts across this term, both within and outside the classroom.
Last week we held our House Assembly and celebrated the success of the many Mabo students.
Overall, as part of the House Championship, each Term we compete against the other three Houses (Freeman, Hollows and Walton) to see who has the highest average attendance, highest Learning Habit Report average and see who has the most values nominations.
It gives us great pleasure to announce to our community that Mabo House has the:
- Highest Attendance average of all four Houses
- Highest Learning Habit Report average of all four Houses
- Highest amount of Values nominations of all four Houses
These successes in Term 3 allowed us to get the maximum amount of House points and keep our noses in front in the 2024 House Championship. As you know Mabo is aiming for a 3-peat aiming to win the House Championship three years in a row! Fingers crossed we can hold on.
4C’s Cultural Performance
This Term we have had over 140 students involved in our Multicultural Celebrations (Multicultural Assembly, Showcase Performance and 4C’s) with many staff supporting the celebration. As a school, celebrating our cultural diversity is something we are very proud of. Congratulations to the 35 Mabo students who sang, danced, played music and showcased their cultures!
Year 7 Zoo Excursion
Last week our Year 7 Mabo students joined with the YR 7 Hollows students and attended the Melbourne Zoo. Thank you to Miss Beattie and Miss Raynes for supporting the students on the day and all staff that attended.
Year 12 Practice Exams
This week the Year 12 are undertaking practice exams. Thank you to the SNR Leadership Team for creating all events and supporting our Mabo students in the stressful exam time. Enjoy the break and make sure you use the last few weeks of Year 12 finding out what you don’t know (as you don’t know what you do know until you work out what you don’t know or vice versa). Study hard, trust your instincts and do your best.
Attendance Matters
In the previous weeks, we have been contacting students with multiple days absences. Consistent attendance is crucial, as missing just one day a week can result in a missed schooling over a student’s school life. If your child is genuinely unwell, please keep them home, but for other reasons such as tiredness or birthdays, we expect them to be at school. We are here to offer support if attendance is a concern. Please reach out for assistance.
On behalf of the Mabo House Leadership Team, we want you to have a safe break- spend time with your friends and families and we look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday 7th October.
The Mabo House Leadership team
Chris Knowles, Meg Beattie, Ash Hickey, Leesha Naidoo