Academic Activities

Industries Career Day

Early in Term 3, a group of Year 10 Arts students took part in a Creative Industries Career Day, hosted by Bunjil Place. The students learned about arts careers from a panel of professional arts practitioners including an actor, a musician and University Music Educator, a videographer/filmmaker, an Art Gallery Curator, a visual artist, an architect and graphic designer and a spatial designer. 


They participated in hands-on, small group workshops where they created mock-ups of a given art exhibition concept, acted out a talk show scenario, discussed the wide range of music-related employment and listened to the stories of filmmaker Claudia Sangiorgi Dalimore. She described how, to manage a small budget, she created film sets in her own home with improvised props and DIY costumes and then left these in place for social gatherings. 

One of the best parts of the experience was the way that each creative industry professional shared their journey from youth, through school and then after school to reach success in their chosen field. Their experiences were very relatable, often needing to change direction when they hit an obstacle, search out new opportunities, network and juggle family expectations along with their own hopes and goals. 

At the close of the day, a few students were acknowledged for their contribution to workshopping and planning the Careers Day event during the Term 1 school holidays. Akasha Vitale and Shamah Vitale were among these and are to be commended on the excellent way they have represented the college. 


“The Bunjil art experience was not only a fun excursion for me, but also a necessary one to take. The Bunjil excursion itself taught me not only the options I have in art as a career, but also the reality of it with the pros and con. My favourite workshop was the first half where we get to choose which aspect of art career to choose from (curator, spatial design, etc.) The only downside with the experience was that I wished that there was more opportunity to explore more careers, since there might be some aspect that we are unaware of that peak our interest.” Truc Nguyen“It was a great experience at the Bunjil Place excursion, since we got learn about other artists experience from the outside world and about the industry standards in those fields.” Janus Phlong

English Week

Book Fair:

Hampton Park held its first Book Fair during English Week where we gave away 4000 books to our students and the community! The students were elated to have the opportunity to take books for themselves, younger siblings and parents/guardians. Thank you to @123Read2Me for donating these fantastic books.


Write a Book in a Day:

11 students participated in our Write a Book in a Day program where they worked alongside their mentoring teachers to write, illustrate and publish a text all in under 12 hours! Our finished entry, titled “Pink Poodle Puppytopia” by the Poodles Pookies it a thrilling read. 

In Week 9, we celebrated HUMANITIES WEEK!

Accounting, Business Management, History, Geography, Legal Studies, Philosophy and Politics!


In Mentoring, we had a school wide Crack the Clue Challenge! In this challenge, a priceless artefact went gone missing from the local museum, and students were called in as the lead investigators. Students followed the clues left behind to solve the mystery and recover the artefact before it is too late! Students engaged in all strands of the Humanities to solve a series of puzzles to find the location of the missing artefact and identify the thief. Congratulations to the school wide winners of the Mentor Crack the Clue - For the Love of Humanities: Akasha, Jerry, Sudammi and Shamah 


In Year 7 we had a History Incursion – History Up Close. In this Year 7's experienced four sessions over the two days - Ancient Warfare, Gladiators, Daily Life in Ancient Egypt and Daily Life in Ancient Rome/Greece! Students dressed up in costumes, held and viewed historical artefacts, and of course heard all about the Ancient world!

For Staff vs Students Humanities Trivia. Round 1 was very close with a draw on Name that Face! Round two was neck and neck with another draw on Flags of the World. Then, Students took the lead in Round 3: Name the Logo! Then, students advanced in Round 4: Who Am I? With Josh Chhean guessing correctly after just one clue!! Staff took the win for Round 5: General Humanities trivia… which means… STUDENTS took the win overall!

Congratulations to all students who participated! Better luck next time to the staff!


Mr Beveridge and his Year 10 Innovate class built a trebuchet, a medieval artefact which was launched during Science Week. The team then enhanced it further for Humanities Week! We successfully launched off with some fun!






On Friday, we had a film viewing of ‘A Night at the Museum’ at lunch on Friday in W7/W8







The whole school Strava Art Challenge, required participants to track their walking/jogging/running to create artwork using GPS! This competition was judged on accuracy of artwork, creativity, distance travelled and celebration of the Humanities!


Congratulations to the school-wide winner Eric Ly!! Eric created an image of a triceratops! 







All week we celebrated the Humanities - Accounting, Business Management, Geography,  History, Legal Studies, Philosophy and Politics! 


NGV Excursion

Our VCE and Year 10 Art Making & Exhibiting students recently visited the National Gallery of Victoria, Ian Potter Centre. 


They experienced the rebellious work of Grace Crowley and Ralph Balson, two Modernists who explored abstraction in the mid C20th Australia, perplexing critics and audiences at the time but leaving their unique mark on Australian art history. 


In the afternoon the VCE students took in some contemporary video work at the Buxton Contemporary and the Year 10s continued at the NGV, exploring contemporary Indigenous Australian art at the Wurrdah Marra ‘Many Mobs’ exhibition. They were intrigued by the range of ways our first nations artists are telling their stories and expressing identity through painting, weaving, photography, reclaimed objects and film. 



CERES Brunswick Student Leadership Sustainability Training

Last Thursday, our leadership team had the opportunity to learn and partake in the ‘CERES’ Program in Brunswick. Through this program, Jane taught us the history behind nature In Australia and the importance of being environmentally cautious with our actions. We had the chance to learn the concept behind composting and the value it holds in keeping our land healthy. Additionally, we learnt sustainable ideas around the ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ concept to prevent build up of waste material. I will happily speak on behalf of everyone when I say we all learnt something important, and with these new skills we hope to bring new additions to our college next year.- Daniel Kosyakov and the leadership team.