Wellbeing Team News

On the 27th of August, HPSC celebrated Wear It Purple Day - a massive day on our Calander, where we celebrate everybody as they come! Wear It Purple focuses on celebrating our celebrating the diversity in our community, and promoting inclusivity, helping everyone feel included. HPSC staff decked themselves out in purple, and started the day with a special Wear It Purple Day Breakfast-Club! Flowing with Pancakes, Grilled Cheese Toasties, and other Rainbow and Purple snacks, students and staff got their day started off the right way - setting the tone for the celebrations ahead. The Wellbeing Team brought a bunch of lunchtime activities out to the front of the CRC for everyone to get involved with! Students connected with local community organisations including South East Community Links, Headspace, and City of Casey Youth Services and their 360 Bus; over scratch-art making, drink-bottle customisation and decoration, badge-making, and mini-games! Thank you to everyone who came around to celebrate Wear It Purple Day 2024!
Last week, on our biggest week of the year, we celebrated RUOK? Day across Mentor and Lunchtimes! At HPSC, we celebrate the message of RUOK? Day in many ways; encouraging staff and students to check-in with each other and offer a listening-ear, and a helping-hand to those around us. Students learned about the importance of reaching-out yourself, and encouraging others to reach-out for help, in our Mentor Lesson delivered in Week 8, putting their skills to use on Tuesday in Week 9, where we ramped up our celebrations into high-gear! Staff got to HPSC bright-and-early, Starting off the day with a special RUOK? Day themed Breakfast Club outside the CRC! Milkshakes, Vegemite Scrolls, Fresh Fruit (thank you FoodBank), RUOK? merch and gear, were all flying outside the busy CRC Courtyard. Students and staff got a chance to pet 'Cashew' the Pug, the official Wellbeing Mascot, and start off their day with some nutritious and delicious fuel. In Period 2 the Wellbeing Team spread the message even more, through a quick slideshow around supports young people can access themselves and send their mates to when they need; along with announcing our grand plans for the main event at lunchtime! Our annual lunchtime festival of activities was a massive success, and was loved by everyone who participated in Myuna Farm's Petting Zoo, Southeast Migrant Resource Centre's popcorn machine, Centre for Multicultural Youth's cornhole matches and minigames, City of Casey Youth Services' 360 Bus and competitions; and the Wellbeing Team's face-painting, cookie-decorating, and Taylor Swift-style Friendship Bracelet decorating and swapping. To continue the celebrations, throughout the week staff also spread cheer through Random Acts of Kindness, and a Coffee-Roulette; where staff were randomly assigned another that they got to give a smile to, and connect with, at the end of a busy term. A big thank you to everybody who come and celebrated, and helped make the week the success it was!
Throughout Week 9, students who dedicated their time and hard work across the term to several Wellbeing programs got the opportunity to celebrate their graduation and achievements! Students in the Raise Mentoring Program, Girls Empowered Program, Blue-Light EDGE Program, and Change Makers Program, all were recognised for their development of key skills in leadership and confidence, social and interpersonal skills, their learned abilities around accessing community support, and much more. Graduation ceremonies for each program gave the students, staff, and program teams time to cherish and celebrate the growth in our young people. Great work to all students involved in our programs this term, we hope you lead well with the new skills and capabilities you worked hard to craft! We're excited to see where you go next.
Looking for fun, free/ low-cost, supervised activities for your child to participate in these school holidays? City of Casey Youth Services has you covered! It's not too late to register for their wide range of excursions, activities, and days out! Joined and lead by City of Casey youth workers, your child can sign-up with friends, family members, and other young people in the community to fill-up their Calander over the holidays. Sign up using this link - hurry, spots will run out soon! ⏩ http://www.casey.vic.gov.au/holidays