Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Carers, Students, and Staff,


As we wrap up another exciting and productive term, I want to take a moment to reflect on the achievements and events that have made this term a busy but rewarding one.

Firstly, a big congratulations to all our students who participated in the 4C's Performance: Cultivating Creative Cultures with Communities. The energy, talent, and cultural pride showcased by students across all year levels was inspiring, and I’m incredibly proud of how all students involved worked together and honoured their culture.


This term, we also celebrated our rich diversity with the Multicultural Assembly and the Multicultural Evening Expo. In only its second year, the evening was a sell-out success! Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the vibrant celebration of cultures that make up our school community. It was a wonderful evening filled with performances, food, and connections that showcased the rich cultural heritage of our students and their families. A special shout-out to our Pasifika Choir, who performed exceptionally at the State Schools Spectacular. Your hard work and dedication have made us all proud!

Our Year 12 students are entering the final stretch as they prepare for their final exams. Practice exams were held this week, and I encourage our students to use these experiences as a springboard for further revision over the break. Remember, preparation and revision are the keys to success in the exams. Dedication and hard work will be rewarded.  


This term, Course Counselling and Subject Selections were completed, with many students carefully considering their future pathways. It was great to see so many students prepared, having read the Subject Handbook and consulted with relevant staff.


This term we celebrated Book Week, and this year Hampton Park Secondary College held its first book fair during English Week, where we gave away 4000 books to our students and the community. Thank you to @123Read2Me for donating these fantastic books and thank you to the staff for their work in this space.

To wrap up the term, we had an incredible celebration of Humanities Week! A huge thank you to our dedicated staff for organising a range of exciting activities across the Humanities Domain, sparking curiosity and engagement in our students. The highlight for our Year 7s was the History Incursion, which they described as an unforgettable experience filled with fun and learning.

Last week we celebrated R U OK Day. Thank you to the Well-being Team for their hard work around that day and the lead up and preparation involved. 

Recently, we were also fortunate to welcome Carol Vass as our Author in Residence this term. Her sessions with students sparked creativity and deep thinking, and we’re grateful for her time and wisdom. Our students are still buzzing with excitement from her workshops, and we look forward to seeing how this will influence their writing going forward.

I am extremely proud of the work our staff do every day in supporting our students with their learning. 


This year, we are thrilled to have members of our team recognised as state finalists in the upcoming Victorian Education Excellence Awards. A huge congratulations to Ms Alison Fiddes, who is a finalist in the category of Outstanding Early Career Secondary Teacher, and to our Wellbeing Team, who are finalists in the category of Outstanding Education Support Team. Their dedication, passion, and commitment to our students are truly outstanding, and we wish them all the best at the awards.


In terms of facilities, I’m pleased to report that Stage 3 of our building works is on track for completion late next term. This will include seven new general-purpose classrooms and the Mabo House administration. You may also have noticed our new digital sign near the front office on Fordholm Road. This sign will help keep our community informed about upcoming events and celebrations. Additionally, we’ve completed the upgrade of our student bathrooms, ensuring modern and accessible facilities are available across the school. Further upgrades are planned to continue improving our school environment.


During the holiday’s selected staff will be onsite to support senior students with their Redemption of Time. Maintaining a high level of attendance is vital to achieving academic success. Well done to all students who have achieved our school goal of a 95% or higher for attendance.   


Finally, a reminder that Term 4 starts on Monday, 7th October. I encourage all of our students to rest, recharge, and return ready for a productive final term. Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable break.