Community News

From the School Nurse
Every time your child visits the sickbay, a Chronicle entry is completed explaining in detail the reason for your child's visit to sickbay. To access this information, logon to Compass, click on the blue profile hyperlink (underneath your child's photo), this takes you through to the dashboard page where their Chronicles are listed on the right hand side. Here you will see Compass Sickbay Chronicle explaining the reason for their visit.
It is Department of Education policy to call parents if there has been a knock to the head, or any other health issue that the nurse is concerned about. If the nurse has been unable to make contact with the parent a message will be left. Please listen to the message prior to phoning the school.
If you have items of clothing which your child was given from sick bay can you please return them ASAP, as we are running out of supplies, especially spare underwear.
Also can foundation parents please make sure you put a spare pair of underwear in your child’s school bag.