Principal report

The end of the year is fast approaching – especially for our wonderful Year 12 students. I am looking forward to celebrating their huge achievement, including the end of 13 years of schooling, at the Year 12 Breakfast with parents on Monday 21 October and then in their student-run final assembly later in the day.
The importance of school rituals, ceremonies and celebrations for a strong sense of school belonging
Schools are not just places of learning – they are also social organisations where students spend a majority of their adolescent years and so it is important that we recognise and celebrate milestones and achievements.
As the Year 12s finish their schooling with us, I am reminded about the importance of recognising and celebrating this significant milestone and achievement. There have been students who have experienced many personal challenges through their school years to reach the end successfully, and all students have overcome times of doubt and stress along the way. As a school, we work hard to honour these achievements and pausing to celebrate and reflect on progress and growth is an important part of our care for our students. This week we join in officially farewelling these young adults, celebrating with them and their parents, and we wish them all the best for their revision and exams.
World Teachers Day 2024
This Friday 25 October is World Teachers Day, and I want to publicly acknowledge and thank the teachers at Box Hill High School for their passion, care, expertise and support for students and each other. Not only do our teachers work long hours preparing rigorous and engaging units, activities and assessment in their own time, but they also meet many times a week in teams to discuss student learning and support, seeking to improve student learning outcomes based on collaborative analysis, reflection and planning. Teaching is a team sport.
A statewide survey by Monash University into teaching this year revealed that about 40% of teachers and principals are not sure they will continue in this profession over the next five years, and there has been a lot of media coverage on teacher shortages (especially in some areas) and the high rate of attrition.
In addition to teaching on average over 120 students each week, they dedicate additional non-teaching time to extra-curricular activities such as camps, sport, lunchtime clubs, lunchtime study rooms, Year 12 support sessions, homework club in the library, after-school debating, school productions, mentoring and music nights to provide opportunities for students to develop their strengths. And we all know how challenging teens can be individually at times even at home!
As a principal, I want to ensure our teachers feel supported and valued so they can focus on the learning that occurs in their classroom. If teachers feel valued, this impacts on the students they teach in their classrooms and their commitment to the demands of their role.
Parental support for subjects, teachers and the school in front of your children at home helps instil school pride and builds a respect for their teachers and for learning.
If you or your child would like to acknowledge and thank a special teacher who has helped them, showed care or made learning interesting, please send an email to the school email to show that their role as a dedicated educator of your teenager is appreciated.
Student achievements
Congratulations to our Drama department on receiving Lyrebird Youth Theatre award nominations:
- Outstanding Dance Number in a Youth Musical under $40K – “Don’t be the Bunny”
- Best Ensemble Performer in a Youth Musical under $40K – Ava W
- Best Cameo Performer in a Youth Musical under $40K – Emily F
- Best Performer in a Supporting Female role, Youth Musical under $40K – Opal D
And the Judges Award from Natasha Harvey awarded to Box Hill High School for extending on the Urinetown theme of Sustainability through the Canteen.
Congratulations also to a past student, Kate Pengally (soprano singer), who has been named as a finalist in the 2024 3MBS Victorian Performer Award. We are excited for you!
Ms Kellie Ind