From the Principal
Ross Pritchard
From the Principal
Ross Pritchard
Welcome to Term 4! Students have returned in their summer uniforms, enjoying the prospect of spring and summer ahead. Most have had a refreshing break, enjoying some time away from the books. The exception, perhaps, is the senior students, who had trial exams in the second week of the holidays. Personally, the NASA visit and science activities on the U.S. trip were a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Every day was filled with amazing activities that inspired the entire group. The students were so excited, and I feel many of them have had their dreams encouraged. We had aspiring pilots, botanists, engineers, and scientists, who are now more excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for them.
As I reflect on last term, I would like to acknowledge the hard work of both staff and students. I am always impressed by how proactive our staff are in improving their curriculum, the way they deliver it, and the feedback provided to students. All staff, led by the leading teachers, became familiar with the new Victorian Curriculum 2.0, reviewed positive classroom management strategies, improved differentiation, and responded to the varying needs of students in their classes. This was done in Learning Areas, teacher teams, Professional Learning Communities, and in a whole-staff setting. The students, too, have worked tirelessly, and the learning behavior data, attendance, and engagement figures are excellent. We celebrate these achievements in our year-level assemblies, asking students to reflect on their efforts.
Staff and students alike are looking forward to this new term. With the 2025 Head Start program beginning on November 25th, there are around six weeks to complete the 2024 syllabus. Students will be involved in regional sports, Year 9 camp and innovation project, STEM projects, lunchtime house activities, Year 9 – 11 AHS exams, and work experience preparations.
Of course, it is a big term for our Year 12s, with IB classes finishing on October 11th, and VCE VM classes a week later. The valedictory dinner, held at the Hawthorn Arts Centre on October 16th, was a highlight of the celebrations. Students and their parents gathered to acknowledge achievements, reminisce, and look forward to the future. These students are now graduates, and as alumni, they will embark on the next phase of their lives after their exams. I am excited to see where they end up.
This term will also see further parent engagement with the Public Forum on October 23rd. All parents are invited to attend an evening where a summary of the school’s achievements in 2023/24 will be presented. This will be followed by forums facilitated by school leadership to discuss and solve challenges in the areas of communication (school and teacher), parent engagement, and support systems.
It has been a busy few weeks regarding the work being completed on our buildings and grounds. The ECA changerooms have been renovated with fresh paint, more benches and hooks for student use, and new wall fittings and panels. The student courtyard now has artificial grass under the shade sail. The benches have been repaired, and additional seating has been created at the front of the school. Retaining walls and seating have been installed to allow for the front garden to be renovated soon. The new senior school building now has external stairs installed on the southern side, providing access to the bottom floor of the building, the oval, and eventually, the active area to be created as part of the landscaping project. Many other items of general maintenance have also been completed during the holidays. Budget funds allocated for 2024 will continue to be spent over this term and during the summer holiday period.
I would like to take this opportunity to give you an insight into the work of our Leading Teachers and Learning Specialists:
Thank you for your continued support.
Ross Pritchard,