Round the classes

Reception class: Jess
It has been an exciting couple of weeks in our classroom, filled with engaging activities and hands-on learning!
Gravity and Myths in Acrobatic Fun
Our exploration of gravity led us to some fun acrobatic activities. The students learned how to roll safely and even formed a human pyramid! It was wonderful to see their teamwork and trust in one another.
Math Measurement Adventures
In math, we've been diving into measurement. The children measured each other using wool and various classroom items, gaining a practical understanding of size and distance. This week, we shifted our focus to buoyancy, experimenting with items that float and sink. Using aluminum foil, the students created their own boats and tested their strength and function in our trough. They were thrilled to see their designs in action!
Nature Play at the Park
Every Monday afternoon, we’ve been enjoying our nature play area in the park next to our school. The children have loved setting up “houses” and immersing themselves in the beauty of the outdoors. It’s a joy to see their creativity flourish in such a wonderful space.
Thank you to our wonderful families for your continued support! We look forward to more adventures in learning.
Reception class: Kelly
I can't believe we are at the end of term 3 already. Where has the term gone. This fortnight, the children focused on th (as in thumb and feather), ch (as in cheese) and ng (as in ring) sounds. We also read the book The Very Cranky written by Nick Bland and we discussed the main characters and the sequence of events throughout the story.
In maths, we have been focusing on mass. The children created their own boat and had to estimate how many teddies will it take to stay a float or sink. The children had a great time creating their boats and finding out how many bears it took to sink their boats.
For well-being this week, the children had to choose two people they wanted to be kind to, as well as think of themselves. It has been lovely to see the different acts of kindness both within the class and in the yard.
The children loved the acrobatics that happened last Wednesday. It was wonderful to see the persistence and GRIT with the challenges - such as rolling, summersaults and then the pyramid.
Year 1 class: Jaya
We can’t believe we’ve already reached the end of Term 3! What a busy and exciting term it has been. In maths, the Year 1 class has been exploring 2D and 3D shapes, learning all about vertices, edges, and faces. We’ve discovered that shapes are everywhere around us, helping with order, structure, and even construction.
In English, we’ve been focusing on information reports, learning about how they are structured to help us find the information we need. We have been exploring contents pages, headings, and subheadings to discover things about Australia Animals.
One of the highlights last week was the visit from Gravity & Other Myths. Their circus and acrobatic workshop had us exploring balance, coordination, movement, and stretching, while building teamwork skills. What a great way to wrap up the term!
Year 2 class: Samantha
In HASS lessons we have continued our work on our Grandparent Projects, where students have been learning about the past through stories shared by their grandparents. These projects have sparked some wonderful discussions about the differences between past and present, giving the children a deeper appreciation of their family histories and traditions.
As part of our focus on classroom and family values, we have been discussing 'honesty'. Honesty plays an important role in building trust and creating a positive classroom environment. Students have shared their thoughts on why being honest matters and how it helps foster a supportive community where everyone feels safe and respected.
In Maths, we’ve been having lots of fun using Bond Blocks to strengthen our understanding of numbers. The students are really enjoying this hands-on approach, which is helping them improve their problem-solving skills. I have noticed the benefits of using Bond Blocks, and we look forward to continuing this in Term 4 to further consolidate our number knowledge and understanding.
We had a superb time learning some acrobatic skills when Gravity and Other Myths visited our school (the smiles speak for themselves!). Using our best circus performing skills, we participated in lots of fun moves. The highlight was when we all worked together as a class to create a human pyramid! It was such an exciting experience, and we are so grateful to the Parents and Friends for making this amazing opportunity possible.
Year 3 class: Stephen and Troy
This fortnight the year 3s have started learning about money as a maths topic. The focus has been on adding amounts, giving change and dividing amounts equally amongst different groups of people. The year 3s also continued their learning about mapping with Kelly’s reception students, this time focusing on Aboriginal perspectives, Songlines. The following quote captures the essence of our learning about Songlines;
Songlines are the Aboriginal walking routes that crossed the country, linking important sites and locations. Before colonisation they were maintained by regular use, burning off and clearing.
The term ‘Songline’ describes the features and directions of travel that were included in a song that had to be sung and memorised for the traveller to know the route to their destination.
The students enjoyed a second visit to the Uraidla Kindy to do some singing for their students. The students also participated well in their Tri-skills and acrobatic lessons which were very enjoyable.
Year 4/5 class: Alex
This fortnight students have been working on their multiplication skills. Students have been keeping themselves in their ‘growth zone’ by selecting the level of multiplication that feels not too easy or hard to stay sufficiently challenged. Students have been practicing using the formal algorithm with 1, 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers. They have been applying their understandings to worded problems and have been trying out some problem-solving tasks involving multiplicative thinking.
Year 5/6 class: Sallie
What a whirl wind the last two weeks have been. Last week we tidied up some loose ends and worked on art/design and technology projects in preparation for the Uraidla Show. I can't say too much but they are looking pretty good. You will have to visit the show to see our masterpieces.
The Year 5s had a good day on Monday working as the Year 6 group (joined by Alex's Year 5s) of 2025 oraganising some props for the end of year concert. For the rest of the week, they have been working in different classes. One of their assignments was to work on a PowerPoint presentation in readiness for next year's camp. I can't wait to see what they have discovered.
Our Flinders Camp this year has been great. The weather has been milder in the day (even some rain) than in previous years. We completed a long hike yesterday around the Pichi Richi camp and visited the Jeff Morgan Gallery in Hawker...amazing. Today we completed another 5km hike around Alligator Gorge the Narrows) some very specular scenery. We are having a great time and always excited by the next adventure. Have safe and happy break.
Indonesian: Ibu Susan
In Indonesia the younger classes have read a story about Bimo the anjing (dog) who eats too much. This has revised language from this term. The reception students also made Kodok (frog) masks after watching a Balinese traditional dance. The year 3s have completed their fantastic stories showing-off their writing skills. Alex’s class had fun researching the food on an Indonesian menu and planning a feast. They also watched a video about a girl from Halmahera, showing how children there live. The students in Sallie’s class tried some dadar gulung (a traditional Indonesian sweet) last week. Most kids gave them the thumbs up!
PE: Troy & Emma
In week 9 students finished their last session of Triskills. During the four weeks students focussed on many different aspects of body movements including rolls, turns, jumps and others. This was supported the Australian Sporting Schools funding which allowed for us to access this. Next term students will focus on tennis as well as
This fortnight in PE we have been fine tuning our skills in throwing towards a target, dribbling and catching. Students have been focusing on hand-eye coordination, visual perception and control and have demonstrated the ability to react and concentrate during inclusive games. A highlight for the students was using the soft balls and throwing them towards bowling pins from one end of the gym- their accuracy was superb! - Emma
Science: Philippa
Year 1-6 students have been demonstrating their learning about animals and habitats by making trioramas. Younger students focused on the featuress and habitat of beach and sea ceatures. The Year 3 focus was on the characteristics of living things. Animal adaptations was the focus for older students.
As the photos show, students have been doing some wondeful work!
Reception students finished the term by learning about the parts of plants including doing some lovely flower drawings.
Biological Sciences will be the topic for Term 4 Science lessons with R-3 students moving on to Earth and Space Sciences from Week 3.