Troy's learning news

Brightpath Writing
At Uraidla Primary School we collect a range of data in both English and mathematics from foundational reading skills, readings fluency, reading comprehension, number knowledge and of course writing. For many years, staff at Uraidla Primary School have used Brightpath assessment tools that allow all teachers to assess and moderate students writing across various genres.
This formative assessment platform provides student exemplars, learning progressions, teaching points and parent and student reports.
Students complete a minimum of six assessed writing samples throughout the year completing pre and post-writing samples for persuasive, narrative and informative texts.
Teachers assess students writing based on a set of criteria from the Brightpath platform. This score that students are given provides teaching points identifying what skills students have and what they are working towards. Many staff and students use these teaching points to set learning goals and move students along.
Staff are preparing students for their final Brightpath assessment for early term 4. If you are interested in your child's progress across the year, please make contact with their teacher.
Staff will be working with our Brightpath consultant early in Term 4 to understand how we can use this tool to develop student agency in writing.