Principal's Report

 Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders

What a busy week it has been here at Echuca Twin Rivers Primary School (ETRPS). We have been continuing to build relationships in class, in the yard and with families. Our SSGs have provided another positive connection with our families, and we thank you for taking the time to discuss and contribute to your child/ren’s programs. 

It has been exciting to celebrate home reading with students as well. Many students of a morning are sharing their Home Reading Diaries with teachers, parents, and buddies. We have many students counting down until they receive their books for 50 nights of reading and I heard a whisper some students are quickly approaching 25 nights!


 Parents Action Group (PAG)

The Parent Action Group (PAG) are excited to be organising events to raise much needed funds for the fantastic programs we have here at ETRPS. If you would like to be a part of our PAG, please let us know via ClassDojo or simply call the office to express an interest. We encourage and support parent input as much as possible. Anthea would love to hear from you. 



Thank you to all the families who have contacted the office and updated personal details, including email addresses. This ensures we can effectively communicate with all families.  We are continuing to use the inewsletter platform to distribute news about the school fortnightly. Access Facebook, ClassDojo or the website to catch-up on the news here at ETRPS. 

Please contact us if you have any feedback about the newsletter. The newsletter will be published on a Friday, fortnightly.


Traffic Management

This is a reminder that the drive through bus zone located at the front of the school is for the Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School buses only. Please keep this zone clear for these services. Students can enter and exit the school at pick up and drop off time via the front gate (located to the side of the main building) and the back gate (located at the back of the oval, near the bike shed). Please park in the car parks provided, closest to the gate your child/ren enter and exit. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.

Backflips Against Bullying

On Monday the 26th of February, the whole school attended the Backflips Against Bullying incursions. With lots of smiles, laughter and backflips, all students enjoyed the entertainment while learning about bullying, both in person and online.


Buddies Launch

Buddies at ETRPS will be launched in Week 8. All students will have a buddy to work with, teach and learn from throughout the year. We will be holding Buddy sessions in rotation on Wednesdays in session 5. The program connects to our school values of Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience and (Academic Excellence).


Swimming Sports

Congratulations to our swimmers who completed in the District Swimming Carnival on Thursday 22 February. We came third overall. Well done on your efforts and enthusiasm on the day. 


It is apparent that several students are either not wearing their helmets when riding a scooter and or bike, to and from school; or, are removing the helmet upon exiting from the school gates. 

Please note: Helmets are to be worn when riding bikes and scooters by law. 

We want to ensure your child is as safe as possible when travelling to and from school. Please talk with your child, at home, about the importance and safety aspects of wearing their helmet.

Teachers will be recording those not wearing helmets and a phone call will be made home to discuss this safety concern. Where students continue to attempt to ride without helmets, we will ask that their bike or scooter remain at school. 

Please be aware that we can support families in the purchase of a helmet if required. 


Parents: can you please help us keep your children safe at drop off times. The gates are opened at 8.35 am. Prior to this time, there is no supervision. Children have been seen to be running in the bus bay, on the footpaths and in the gardens. There has been near misses, and reports made to us regularly, as the community is extremely worried an accident is looming.  

Students are to wait at the gate calmly until  staff attend. 



Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Wishing everyone an enjoyable weekend.


Julie Hommelhoff      
