Meet our School Captains

My name is Nikolas, and I am excited to be one of the school captains this year! I am honoured by this leadership opportunity and I promise to represent the school to the best of my ability.


Thank you to my parents who encouraged me to always try my best and you will be surprised by what you can achieve if you have a positive mindset.


Congratulations to my fellow captains Josh, Maddie and Indy, I look forward to collaborating with you throughout the year. I hope everyone has a fantastic school year.




Hey everyone, My name is Maddie and I'm super excited to be one of your School captains for 2024. 


Congratulations to Indy, Josh and Nik on getting the role of school captain I can't wait to work alongside you all. 


I would like to thank everyone who helped me get to where am today. I hope everyone has the best year possible! 


Thank you.





Hi I’m Indy and I’m very thankful to be one of your school captains for this year. 


I am excited to work alongside Maddie, Josh and Nikolas as your school captains for 2024. If you ever have a problem in the yard I will be happy to help. 


I’m very grateful to Carly and Mat for trusting me with this role.


Thank you for listening.






Hello teachers, students and parents. My name is Josh. I’m really grateful that I have the opportunity to be one of the school captains. 


I would like to thank Carly, Mat and my teachers for helping me and guiding me to where I am today. I would also like to congratulate Indy, Maddie and Nik for being selected as school captains. 


I will try my best to follow the school values and you can come to me if you need any help. I am looking forward to learning, growing and having fun with you in 2024.