Dance Academy 

Ms Hudson's News

The RHS Dance Academy kicked off the academic year with renewed vigour and excitement. Students have been honing their skills, exploring new dance styles and fostering a sense of camaraderie within the Academy. The commitment and passion exhibited by our dancers have truly set a vibrant tone for the year ahead.


One of the highlights of the year so far was the sensational cheer performance by our dancers at the RHS Fair Go Sports event. Our talented team performed a routine to ‘Hey Mickey’ that had the crowd bopping along, complete with pom poms that represented each dancer’s house colour. Their spirit and enthusiasm was absolutely contagious, and it was a wonderful way to kick off Fair Go Sports.    


As we continue to progress through the academic year, we are excited about the upcoming opportunities for our dancers to showcase their talent, creativity, and teamwork. We remain committed to providing a platform that promotes creativity, teamwork and personal growth, and look forward to sharing more exciting performances with the RHS community.


Ashleigh Hudson (she/her)

Dance Academy Teacher