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School holiday activities @ Indigo Shire libraries Bee-Bots at Beechworth. Bee-Bots are programmable floor robots designed for children to use. They turn on the spot and move forwards and backwards. Why not have a go at programming one? Ages: 5 – 8. Bookings: Required, as places are limited.Where: Beechworth Library. When: Thursday 4 April. Time: 10.00 – 11.00 am.Sand Play Fun. Come along for some imaginative play and create your sand picture using found objects from the beach. Materials will be provided and you can bring your own beach found objects to show others. Ages: 5 – 85! Bring a special older or younger person with you to enjoy the fun! Bookings: Not required. This is a drop-in session: call in whenever it suits you. Where: Chiltern Library. When: Monday 8 April. Time: 2.00 – 4.00 pm. All things Harry PotterJoin us for an afternoon of activities, creativity and crafts. We’ll make a quill pen, your own house bunting, a corner bookmark and go searching for some Harry Potter treasure. You might even dress up as your favourite Harry Potter character! Ages: 7 – 12. Bookings: Required, as spaces are limited.Where: St. Mark’s Church Hall, Tangambalanga. When: Tuesday 9 April. Time: 2.00 – 3.00 pm.Games Galore. Would you like to play a game of 4 in a row, tangram, tumble tower or have a try at the marble maze? We’ll have these giant games, and others, set up for you to try! Please bring your hat, drink bottle and lots of energy. (If the weather is inclement, we will move indoors.)Ages: 5 – 12. Bookings: Required, as spaces are limited.Where: Rutherglen Library When: Thursday 11 April. Time: 10.00 – 11.30 am.Where: Yackandandah Library. When: Thursday 11 April. Time: 2.00 – 3.30 pm.
For more information, please contact one of our libraries: Beechworth Library 03 5728 8043, Chiltern Library 02 6028 1143, Rutherglen Library 02 6033 6801, Yackandandah Library 02 6028 1180. Or visit