Parents & Friends

Easter Raffle

With Easter not too far away, it's time for our annual Easter Raffle with the proceeds going towards P&F fundraising for the school community.


We are collecting donations for the Easter Hampers (for each year level) in the front foyer until Friday 22 March. Both chocolate and non-chocolate items are welcome to be dropped off in the marked box.


Tickets for the raffle are $2 each or $15 for 10 tickets. Ticket forms and instructions have been sent home with students. Additional copies will be available at the office if you would like to purchase more. The ticket collection box will be in the school foyer, near the Principal's office.  Please return tickets by Monday 25 March.


The Easter Raffle will be drawn at assembly on the last day of term - Thursday 28 March.

St Joseph's School Fete - Saturday 23rd November 

Thank you to everyone who attended the information evening on Tuesday and for those who have contributed so far. This is a whole school community event and so we need your help! Please register your interest via the following form to let us know how you can get involved!

One Night At Studio 54 - Saturday 20th April

The P&F invite you to get your name on the list and sparkle up the dance floor for a night of disco fever at one of their major fundraising events for the year.


Book your tickets HERE  


The night will include a raffle draw and silent auction.  All proceeds from the event will go towards updating our playground and outdoor areas to create engaging spaces for all the children to enjoy.  


In order for this night to be a success we need your help to source silent auction items, raffle prizes and sponsorship!

  • Do you have any contacts you can approach to donate goods/services? A personal touch goes a long way!
  • Do you know any local businesses you could reach out to?
  • Can you/your work donate an item, experience or a service?
  • Do you have a holiday house you could spare for a weekend?
  • Do you have any vouchers (restaurants, experiences etc) you don’t think you’ll use? Why not donate them!
  • Any special skills you could share? Maybe you could run a workshop or class? Get creative!

Any suggestions and ideas are welcome. Let's make this a night to remember and raise funds for our school. Do it for the kids!


Let us know how you can help out by getting in touch with us at:  


We look forward to another successful and memorable event in 2024!