Junior School News

Year One Pilates with Sara May

This week, the Year One classes participated in a Pilates class led by one of our Year One parents, Sara May, as part of our Healthy and Physical Education Topic Unit for Term One.


Sara shared her expertise in the field of physiotherapy and pilates, taking the class through a range of movements, stretches and balancing exercises. The students enthusiastically took part, and when reflecting on the session afterward, were able to identify the benefits of physcial excercise for a healthy lifestyle. Read below to hear from the students themselves.


A BIG thank you to Sara for sharing her knowledge and time with our fabulous Year Ones!




"I liked it when I was a special helper for my mum. Lily and I demonstrated a special move to show everyone. I felt proud!"

Evie, 1N




"Evie's mum taught us pilates. First we de-escalated by doing calm breathing, and then we did stretching. We did this because we have been learning it is important to be active."

Lachie, 1N


"We worked with a partner to balance like an aeroplane and stretch to touch our toes like a row boat. It is important to excercise and get healthy."

Floss, 1J


"Evie's mum taught us to roll and balance. It is like sit ups. This makes our muscles strong. We also did push ups and stretched our backs to make a bridge. I was tired at the end."

Elliot L, 1J

Each term, we focus on a different curriculum area that allows the students to delve deeper into an area of learning, which also forms the basis of our Reading and Writing genres.


The unit of work begins with an immersion into the topic, before becoming experts in the subject, and ends with the children taking action to take ownership of their learning.


We are often on the lookout for different parents who may have expertise in the different topics we explore. Please see the remainder of the year's topic areas below and let us know if you would love to help! 


Term 2:   Geography P-6 , ‘Places and Our Connection to Them’ 

Term 3:   History, ‘Personal History’

Term 4:  Science, ‘Biological Science’ & ‘Physical Science’


Lisa Mclean, Junior School Leader