Education in Faith

St Joseph's Feast Day Mass

On Tuesday, it is St Joseph's Feast Day. This is a wonderful opportunity for our school to gather, learn and pray together, as we acknowledge and celebrate the life of our Patron Saint, St Joseph.


Time:         10:00am

Date:          Tuesday, 19th March

Location:  St Joseph’s Church


We hope to see you there!

Harmony Day

We are celebrating Harmony Day this Friday (22nd March). On Harmony Day, the children take action as part of their Religious Education unit, to raise funds for Klibur Domin in Timor Leste. This is a partnership that we have with Father Burns, who has dedicated much of his life to supporting the people of Klibur Domin.


The children will run, and visit, a variety of stalls that they will organize. We suggest a limit of $10 per child. Please do not feel obliged to give your child this amount. For convenience, we ask that this be in 50c or $1 coins in a plastic bag labelled with their name. The children will have the opportunity to visit food and non-food stalls. If your child has any allergies, please speak to your child about the stalls that they can and can't visit (a list of stalls will be shared in the newsletter closer to the date - you may wish to send your child with some special treats that you know they can eat for this day).


Children can wear casual clothes to celebrate this special occasion. This wonderful day is run entirely by the students, with every cent going to Klibur Domin in East Timor. 


Please see below for stalls.

 Stall 1Stall 2
1NHit the chips Zooper Doopers
1JSecond-hand bookstall Guess the lollies in the jar
2LBracelet making Face paint
2NSecond-hand bookstallCupcake decorating
3MOreo RollSoccer penalties
4WLemonadeBall and cup challenge
4CEgg and Spoon RaceFeel Box
5DBasketball Hoop 3 pointsKey Rings and Croc Jibbitz
5CFidget stallCake Stall
6CDonut on a stringSlide and win 
6SLucky dipPaper plane throwing competition


Elly Dillon

Religious Education Leader