







I extend a warm welcome to all members of the Arrowsmith family in 2024. In particular, I would like to welcome all new families. May your child’s journey in the Arrowsmith Program and Oakleigh Grammar be successful, enjoyable and fulfilling. 


Students have started to settle in the program and the operations of everyday life in the school. The students in the Arrowsmith program have their individual timetables to follow. I am pleased that each student is managing to navigate their way from mainstream classes to Arrowsmith classes and vice versa. The individual nature of the timetables ensures that your child receives important and relevant mainstream studies alongside a world class cognitive enhancement program.


The importance of completing mainstream studies cannot be underestimated. It means that students remain connected to their schooling whilst experiencing success at the same time through the Arrowsmith program. For students experiencing learning deficits, remaining connected to their studies and schooling is vital to their ongoing cognitive, social and emotional development.


Recently, students have been on retreats, excursions, sporting events and camps. All of these provide opportunities for student social and emotional development in a safe and fun environment. Combine these with safe, nurturing learning spaces in the mainstream classes and the Arrowsmith classes and you have a school that allows your child to thrive. 

I look forward to watching the personal growth of all students in the Arrowsmith program this year. I encourage parents to remain connected with the school and Arrowsmith staff as you embark or continue your educational journey with your child.


Wayne Stagg

Head of Arrowsmith