Learning Space News

Year 3/4
Meet the Year 3/4 Team
(From left to right) Sam Addison, Caitlin Allman, Daphne Chong, Michelle Heather, Jess Yates, Kirri Van Haaster, Coutney Nitschke and Hiranthi Alexander
Absent: Emma Sketchley, Bec Karpati and Marina Ruffolo
Year 3/4 students have made a great start to the school year by participating in lots of engaging learning activities.
Students have explored the school library and the different book genres found within it.
They have also been learning all about persuasive texts. They have read persuasive books, identifying the persuasive devices used. Students have learnt how create their own persuasive arguments, so watch out for them practising this skill at home!
Students have been consolidating their understanding of the key idea of place value.
Students have also been exploring concepts of time. They have practised reading digital and analogue clocks, learning about elapsed time and exploring the months and seasons of the calendar year.
Students have been learning about managing friendships through URStrong’s Friendology course. This involves practising skills they can use each day in their interactions with their peers and prepares them with the tools they need to manage conflict when it arises.
The topic of Personal, Cultural and Social Identity encourages students to explore their identity in relation to groups that they belong to and to consider how these groups have influenced them.