Faith, Justice and Formation

Parent SOL
Welcome parents and carers to a new year at the College. Just a small reminder and introduction to you all about Parent SOL. Our committee aims to walk alongside our sons as they are challenged to serve and model service to marginalised groups in the community. We operate in an EREA context to support the College's various justice partners, demonstrating compassion and a commitment to the Gospel.
Our first meeting for this year will be Tuesday 5 March at 6:30 PM in the Bangawarra Room on the Coghlan Balcony (if you are not sure where that is just meet at the statue of Edmund Rice in front of the Chapel). ALL parents and carers are welcome.
For your interest you can find the Terms of Reference for Parent SOL below.
For further information please feel free to email me at
Claudia Elias
(Parent SOL Representative)
Lenten Appeal Launch
Each year St Patrick’s College raises funds in our Lenten Appeal for a different Justice Partner, in a four-year cycle, which enables us to provide necessary support to these partners on a regular basis. All are related to the College from an Edmund Rice perspective or local connection. Last Wednesday at our Ash Wednesday Liturgies the Social Justice Prefect, Thomas Coorey, launched the Appeal with this short address.
“No act of virtue can be great if it is not followed by advantage for others. So, no matter how much time you spend fasting … if you do no good to others, you do nothing great.”
Good morning staff, and – most importantly – students of St Patrick’s.
I chose to open today with the words of Saint John Chrysostom, an early Church father. As we enter Lent, it is important to remember this sentiment. While fasting is an important aspect of the Lenten season, and it’s great to sacrifice something for the period, an equal pillar of this practice is almsgiving; to do good to others as Saint Chrysostom would put it.
This year, the College’s Lenten partners are Lucas Gardens School and Chalmers Road School. These are two local institutions, which many of you would already be aware of. For those who need a refresher, they provide education to children with intellectual and physical disabilities, offering the support needed to enable them to learn. These students are your age, or maybe the age of a younger sibling or cousin. Some of our Year 11 and 12 boys have met these students through Social Justice Service and can attest to the character and value of these schools, and to the importance of their work to their students.
So, although I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times before, I encourage every person here to get involved in Lenten fundraising. Whether it’s just setting up a stall with your homeroom for half a lunchtime, or coordinating a larger effort, each contribution adds up. If every student in this school were to raise a minimum of $5, that would be $8000 raised. It’s important that we give without expecting anything in return so please give loose change or more to the homeroom collection each morning, and supplement this with more concerted efforts like a stall. We have a strong tradition of raising big totals. Let’s make this year the same. With all that in mind, I commend to all of you to get involved for a worthwhile cause.
Live Jesus in our Hearts. (Forever)
Over the coming weeks you will learn more about our Lenten Partners for 2024. Please note that every cent raised during the Appeal goes to our Partners – no administration fees or the like.
For now, please support the Appeal in whatever way you can, including the following ways:
- When ordering a lunch order through Flexischools, you can make a donation that goes straight to our Appeal (see flyer below).
- Loose change or canteen money donated by boys in homeroom.
- Organised and rostered activities led by homerooms at the College.
Thank-you so much!
Stations of the Cross in Lent
All students, staff and parents/carers are invited to take part in Stations of the Cross every Tuesday in Lent starting next week, 27 February.
It will take place in the Chapel from 1:30 to 1:50 PM and will be led by our new Seminarian in Residence, Cronan Yu, along with many student leaders. This is a great opportunity to stop and reflect on our goals for this season and remind ourselves of the purpose of Lent.
Gillian Daley
Director of Identity
SPC Lenten Appeal - Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser
Baker's Delight have offered our school the opportunity to participate in their Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser for 2024, to be delivered just before Easter.
For each packet of six hot cross buns purchased, Baker's Delight will donate $2.00 back to our school. All funds raised will be donated to our Lenten Partners - Lucas Gardens School, Chalmers Road School, St Joseph’s Alice Springs and the Edmund Rice Life Training Centre in Papua New Guinea. Baker's Delight pride themselves on maintaining the highest possible quality products by using only quality ingredients.
We will be offering the following varieties:
- Traditional fruit
- Fruitless
- Choc Chip
Please order your hot cross buns here!
Orders will close at midnight, Sunday 17 March.
Hot cross buns will be distributed to students (eldest child to collect) at lunchtime on Monday 25 March 2024.