Co-curricular - Junior Sport: Stage 3

This weekend sees the Junior School hit the halfway mark for Term 1 Summer sport. Unfortunately, this season has not been straight forward, with the weather having significant impact on the first round and subsequent training sessions. Usually around this time of the season, we are looking to finalise teams after three weeks of play. Considering the disruptions we have experienced; I am extending this period until Round 4. Hopefully, the weather becomes a little kinder and we get to see the best of the boys’ performances.
On Monday, we had a number of boys attend the IPSHA Basketball trials. This is always a very competitive trial, with all schools sending the maximum number of participants allowed. All our boys involved should be proud of their efforts on the day. A special mention to Liam Amendolia on his selection in the IPSHA team. Liam will now move on to the CIS trials. I know everyone will join me in wishing Liam all the best for these trials.
Over the past week, I have received a number of emails around missing out on information. It is important that all families and boys are reading the Especean, our College newsletter each week, as well as making sure that the SPC App has been downloaded onto phones and subscriptions made to relevant year and Junior School co-curricular groups. These two sources are where you will get all the information, particularly for Junior School Co-curricular. The boys will also receive additional updates relevant to them via the daily announcements. Boys should be making notes of the announcements that concern them in their diaries. Covering these bases should keep you and your sons well informed and up to date.
Finally, a big thank you to all the parents/carers that have stepped in on Saturday’s when coaches have been unavailable. I know the boys really appreciate your efforts in supporting them play, and so have I.
Looking forward to a less interrupted final few rounds of sport in Term 1.
John Locke
Head of Co-curricular - Stage 3