Year Four

Dear Year Four Families,
The term is in full swing and it is amazing to see the amount of learning that has been completed thus far. We are proud to report that each class now has a class captain which was announced at assembly. Congratulations to all the class captains and all the students who took the time to prepare an application for this role.
4A: Luca Chen
4B: Melanie Malatui
4C: William Luan
4D: Vivaan Iyer
4E: Kavinash Umapathi
4F: Torah Isaacs
4G: Samyak Cuddapah
4H: Austin Guo
4I: Hayley Kan
4J: Gabby Pelaez
The Year Four students have continued to inquire into the central idea "Who we choose to admire reflects our beliefs and values." This inquiry has been an eye opener for the students as they dive deep into the concepts of personality traits, perspective and connection.
We have been studying Margaret Wild's book Fox through reading. This text relates to our unit of inquiry because it informs students about the various roles that each character plays. They examined how Magpie's decision to stay with Fox ultimately had a negative impact on her. In reading, language choice has been a major focus as we introduce the topic of poetry. This has allowed students to analyse various texts and identify words that stand out to them to use in their own writing.
Reading has been infused with writing. Students have created found poems by combining their understanding of language choice and adjectives. Students first used the text Fox to produce found poems as a way to introduce poetry. Found poetry focuses on using individual words, sentences, and occasionally entire passages from a text to create a new poem and convey a new meaning. Reading the poems published by the students has been amazing.
In mathematics we have been continuing to explore whole number and place value using the maths framework of launch, explore and dicuss. This has allowed students to build their understanding of concepts and share their learning with their peers.
- Homework is due on Wednesday 20th March.
- In Term One, it is required that all students wear their hats during recess and lunch.
- Please ensure MacBooks are sent to school fully charged each day.
- Water bottles need to be brought to school each day with fresh water.
- Late arrivals (8:40am onwards ) require a late pass from the office.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
Academic Uniform:
- Worn to school every day except for days the students have sport.
Sports Uniform
- Worn to school on days your child has PE classes.
- Can be worn on a Friday each week (optional).
- House tops to be worn during house events or on a Friday (optional).
Kind regards,
The Year 4 Team