Year Two

Dear Year Two Community,
The Year Two students are right into their learning! Each day we delve into reading our very own class novels! In fact, the students and the teacher alike, enjoy this special time. Through active listening, an additional appreciation for reading texts out loud and engaging into an imaginary world together is exemplified. On occasion, a student is also selected to read out aloud in a very presentable and expressive manner. This reading opportunity has proven to be a great way to instil a love of reading throughout an imaginative shared activity, performed daily.
A special event held in week six was a celebration of ‘Woof day,’ where orange was worn, and we were visited by a special little guest, our ‘reading dogs.’ This was an opportunity for students to engage with these lovely pets who prove to be great listeners during reading time!
In addition, students have been practising the strategy of ‘predicting’ to help them with comprehension in reading. The predicting strategy improves reading comprehension based on using prior knowledge and other clues found in texts, before and throughout the reading process.
In writing students have expressed themselves when making, doing, being, or creating something. For instance, these types of texts are usually ‘recipes,’ instructions on ‘how to make something like ‘origami,’ or a specific example is, 'How to make fairy bread.’ Students were very excited when they made an origami ‘paper plane,’ and had a competition to see which one flew the furtherest. Writing for purpose is highlighted throughout such writing activities. Students enjoyed these activities immensely and realised that they can write their own instructions quite effectively for fellow students to follow. Students included the ‘features’ of a procedure such as materials, ingredients, instructions, method, and also images of the ‘fabulous final product culminating from their procedure.’
In Maths students have explored 2D shapes and 3D objects noticing their different features. Students have hunted around the school and identified examples of different shapes that they encounter each and every day.
This week our students have explored place value and how whole numbers work. We have been exploring the ways we can break numbers into smaller parts and identify how many hundreds, tens and ones make up the number.
We are reaching the end of our first unit of inquiry into How We Express Ourselves. Our Central idea of "People express important events through celebrations and traditions" has been explored through all areas of the curriculum. Each week students get to choose the activities they wish to engage with from a range of options. Students have been loving the crafting table, reading books about our central idea and writing about their own experiences.
To celebrate all our wonderful learning we are holding our annual Year Two Cultural Picnic on Thursday the 28th March at 1:50pm to coincide with Harmony day. This is a great opportunity to come together as a Year Two Community and celebrate together with all families, as you are all welcome to attend. We ask that each child/family brings a plate of food from their culture to share with others as we picnic and get to know each other in the school gym .
- Students a required to wear at school hat when outside during terms one and four. Please ensure your child's hat is labelled clearly with their name.
- Please ensure iPads are sent to school each day fully charged.
- Take home readers should be brought into school every day.
- Late arrivals (after 8:40am) must sign in through the office and obtain a late pass.
- Please ensure you are entering any student absences on Xuno as soon as possible.
Upcoming events
- Cultural picnic Thursday 28th March. Families welcome!
- Our swimming program will take place from the 16th to the 16th of April, 2024, Term Two.