Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,


What a busy and exciting start to week 3.


We welcome Mrs Doreen Montgomery to the Eltham East Community. Doreen will be our temporary Principal in Warren Lloyds short absence. Please be sure to read the newsfeed from Monday.



This week, we have commenced the accessible ramp project across our school. This is going to transform the way everyone will be able to access and move around our school. Naturally, there will be moments of interruption to the way we usually get around the school and so we thank everyone in advance for your patience as you find a different pathway.


2024 sees many changes to Disability Inclusion (DI) across our region. On Tuesday afternoon, the staff engaged in professional learning around our Individual Education Plans, Student Support Group meetings and documenting the adjustments they put in place to meet the needs of all children in their classrooms. If you are interested in finding out more about the DI initiative, please follow this link.


Thank you to the many families and our magnificent Prep team who came to our Prep Information evening last night. Despite the very uncomfortable weather, it was encouraging to see so many, keen to hear about the importance of our school and home partnership. I hope that everyone went home feeling energised for not only the year ahead but the 7 years of Primary School. We are so glad you chose Eltham East.


Tomorrow evening at 7pm, our Parent/Volunteer Helper course will be run in the staff room. This is the final opportunity for this term. Please note that if you would like to help in the classroom, on excursions, camps or in any other way you must complete the course. We cover important aspects of the Child Safety Standards, Privacy and OH&S along with what to expect when you are at EEPS. Last week, over 30 people completed the 45minute course. I look forward to seeing you there. Further details can be found in this newsletter.


As always, there is something happening across the school. Last week 75 students participated in our swimming sports. Congratulations to everyone who participated. I know students followed Mr Lloyds mantra of Be Brave, Be your best self and Be kind. Please see the sports news for further information.


This week the year 5 & 6 Chess program continues, auditions for the school choir take place tomorrow and on Friday our Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) program commences.


Thank you everyone for upholding our school values in every interaction. Have a great week of Learning and Growing Together


Lisa Joseph

Assistant Principal