This week's notes

Dear families and friends,
Junior School Council
This week we presented badges to our 2024 JSC members. Their first meeting for the year will be this Monday where they hope to discuss activities and plans for the coming weeks.
Picnic Sports 2024
Our Annual Picnic Sports will be held on Thursday 29th February on the school oval.
Mark it in your diary as this is always a fun and friendly day that the kids love.
Parents, don't forget to practice for the Gumboot Toss!
More information will be out next week.
SGSSA Swimming Sports
Next Friday 23rd February is the SGSSA Swimming Sports at the Dunkeld Swimming Pool. It is open to Age 9-12 students who can confidently swim 25m or 50m (11/12 yrs) in their chosen stroke. We are hoping to send a small team to represent Cavendish PS at these sports. Please contact Miss P if you would like your child to participate.
Lions Club paper truck loading
The Cavendish Lions Club are loading a paper truck on Sunday 25th February. As always any help from 10am onwards would be greatly appreciated by the Committee.
Concession Card - Camps, Sports and Excursion Funding
If you hold a concession card please contact Tammy as soon as possible so she can give you an Application for funding for your child. If you received funding last year, please let Tammy know that you still have the concession card and confirm the SRN number for the application. The funding this year has risen to $150.00 per child so this would be a great help with Years 3-6 camp to Melbourne later this year!
Monthly Blitz
Our monthly positive behaviour focus is Getting Along.
We can show this by:
- Smiling
- Being friendly
- Inviting others to join in
- Sharing
- Using kind words
- Looking after everyone (not just our friends).
Have a lovely weekend
Sally Purnell
Acting Principal