Meet our 2024 

Senior Student Leaders 

School Captains

Hi, Mykaila and Shaun here!

We are your student captains for 2024. We are thrilled to be given this opportunity to represent the student body and student beliefs. 

The role of this position is to be a bridge between staff and students - to listen to students and their ideas and present them to the staff to see those ideas into action. 

We recognise that this year is going to be a challenging one for us but we are up to the challenge and we are determined to make this a fun and memorable year for each year level. We are excited to organise the year's events including celebration day, graduation and many more. We are open to suggestions on making this year the best experience of high school.

Vice Captains 

Greetings everybody,

It is with great pleasure that we introduce ourselves as the Staughton College school Vice Captains for 2024. We would like to express our gratitude for entrusting us with our role and to have the opportunity to utilise our diverse skill set to help lead our school along the right path and hope to see us all grow as one. We as school leaders are looking forward to working with school Captains Shaun and Mikayla in doing so.

We’re always around and happy to help out anyone around the yard as we believe that the most important part of our role is to be able to address everyone’s ideas and concerns. Your feedback is invaluable and we are here to make sure that your voices are heard.

Looking forward to a great year packed with memories,

Your Vice Captains Ali and Jarrod


House Captains

Koruk Guro (Red) House Captain - Azarel Rhaizam
Djurt Djurt (Yellow) House Captain - Natashia Bangura
Dantum (Blue) House Captain - Matilda Van Berlo
Thara (Green) House Captain - Devante Johns
Koruk Guro (Red) House Captain - Azarel Rhaizam
Djurt Djurt (Yellow) House Captain - Natashia Bangura
Dantum (Blue) House Captain - Matilda Van Berlo
Thara (Green) House Captain - Devante Johns

The House Captains of 2024 are; Azarel, representing Koruk Guro House; Devante, representing Thara House; Natashia, representing Djurt Djurt House; and Matilda, representing Dantum House. The Sports captains of 2024 are; Devante and Jeremy. We will be responsible for supporting the school house activities/carnivals. We are looking forward to increasing participation for all sporting events such as the swimming carnival and athletics day. We will also aim to spread the new house colour names to allow the people of Staughton to be more familiarised with them. Lastly, we looking forward to working with our Sports Coordinator, Mr Cini.

Sports Captains

Jeremy Coombe
Devante Johns
Jeremy Coombe
Devante Johns

Music Leaders 

We are the music leaders of 2024; Hayden, Sam, Georgia, Ella, and Maddie. We will run music events which will give students the opportunity to engage in real life experiences and also show encouragement and give confidence when doing our events.

We are prepared for Staughtons Got Talent, mid year concert, end of year concert, and instrumental artist program where we write and record music.

As Music leaders we are also a part of the leadership program, so we offer our assistance throughout the student body and thrive to be model students in Staughton college.

We will be enthusiastic when doing our leadership duties and will always have smiles on our faces.

Cultural Ambassadors 

Hi we are the cultural ambassadors at Staughton College,

Krist, Chris, Charlotte, Sepeti, Jordan, Tanbir, Karlie and Nermeen.

We the Cultural ambassadors play a vital role in fostering diversity, inclusion, and mutual understanding within a school community. We serve as representatives of various cultural backgrounds, helping to bridge gaps and celebrate differences among students, staff, and faculty. Our responsibilities often include organising cultural events, facilitating discussions on multiculturalism, and offering support to students from diverse backgrounds. By promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity, cultural ambassadors contribute to creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, ultimately enriching the educational experience for all members of the school community.

Ultimately, our aim is to get the greater community involved into cultural activities, and to increase the rate of participation.

Public Speaking & Debating Leaders

Absent: Rodjano Emin
Absent: Rodjano Emin

We are the public speaking leaders, and we are Leliyan Al-Artoufi (year 11), Georgia-Lee Parsons (year 11) and Rodjano Emin (year 12). As public speaking leaders, we will be facilitating public speaking competitions such as “Staff Vs Student” debates, as well as we are striving to win the annual DAV competition. By setting an example of ongoing self-improvement, we hope to encourage and inspire our peers to articulate and express their ideas, develop their communication abilities, and improve upon their critical thinking skills. Additionally, we aim to demonstrate that the path to becoming confident and influential speakers involves a willingness to learn, adapt, and develop both personally and professionally.

Performing Arts Leaders 

We are your 2024 performing arts leaders Robin Hopkins (year 11) and Madison MacAllister (year 9) as performing arts leaders we assist with the planning and running of events such as musicals, variety shows etc. we can also be seen assisting with auditions, rehearsals and directing. You will no doubt hear from us throughout the year as we promote our show for 2024.


Communications Leaders / Magazine Editors 

Absent: Diamond Karto
Absent: Diamond Karto

Hello everyone! We are the communications leaders for 2024 and our team consists of five dedicated students; Trisha, Lance, Jordan, Diamond, Iyiesha & Georgia-Lee who are willing to give it their all when it comes to creating promotional campaigns and advertisements to encourage student participation in various school events. Our jobs entail using our creativity and teamwork to produce intricate and unique designs that will catch the eye of the school community. We also capture precious and memorable moments throughout the school year that will be reflected on in the future. Our team is also involved in magazine production. We are in charge of writing up school events and collating images to be used for the school magazine, as well as designing the cover for the magazine itself. For the year, we hope to be able to produce well-thought-out designs that include valuable memories that are appealing to the entire Staughton community.

Student Voice 

Hello everyone. We are the student voice leaders for 2024. Our leaders are Trisha, Jade, Mia, Georgia and Iyiesha. We are in charge of speaking on behalf of Staughton College students who are willing to share their ideas with teachers and other authoritative figures. Our job is to listen to ideas from students and implement them into activities and events that benefit students. We are also given the opportunity to participate in the Student Leader Regional Network and represent our school. We are looking forward to next year as your Student Voice Leaders!

Sustainability Leaders

Absent: Lateasha Buchanan
Absent: Lateasha Buchanan

Staughtons sustainability's leadership team consists of Lateasha, Elliot, Ava, Rhianna & Jacinta. We as a collective work hard to keep the school clean, plan events to promote sustainability support Staughtons 'edible garden' and much more. We are excited to see what 2024 holds. 

Curriculum Leaders

Year 10 Leaders

Year 11 Leaders

Absent: Lateasha Buchanan, Sepeti Moala, Samual Wanyan, Leliyan Al-Artoufi
Absent: Lateasha Buchanan, Sepeti Moala, Samual Wanyan, Leliyan Al-Artoufi

Year 12 Leaders

Absent: Diamond Karto
Absent: Diamond Karto