Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

P.E. - Imogen - 5B for always putting her best foot forward, trying her best and most importantly having fun while participating. Great work Imogen!

Visual Arts - Razan 5A for making excellent learning choices during Art. Razan listened to feedback and significantly improved his drawing skills and made an excellent decision to sit somewhere where he could concentrate on his work. You exemplified the school value of “Be a learner” and were a great role model for your peers. Congratulations Razan and well done!

Performing Arts - Will 3C for demonstrating fantastic listening skills and being determined to present dramatic action using his voice and movement. Well done for displaying the school values of pride and respect. 

Chinese - Zain 5C for following instructions and your perfect tone pronunciation. Zain took on suggestions from the teacher and practised Pinyin. He took pride in trying and learning and did not feel embarrassed for doing the correct thing. As a result, he achieved perfection in assessment. Well done!


L.L.I. - Sofia 3A for your hard work and determination in LLI classes. Keep working hard and be very proud of your efforts.


6A - Aklas for listening to feedback and being a self regulated learner to improve her writing.  Well done Aklas


5A - Valerie for the continual effort she is putting into her focus, learning and discussion in class. Valerie, I am so impressed with your resilience and persistence to keep trying when things get tough! You are a star!

5B - John and Sione for their valued contribution to class discussions. They are a persistent learner and are continuing to demonstrate increased confidence in their ability to share their ideas, with both their peers and the whole class. Fantastic effort as always John and Fatima, keep up the amazing work! 

5C - Jeslyn for her continued resilience in and out of the classroom. Well done on being persistent and always trying your best. 


4A - Rosalaine for settling in very well to her new Year 4 class. She always has a smile on her face, and behaves in a caring, friendly manner. It has been wonderful seeing Rosalaine become more confident in sharing her thinking and ideas. Keep up your amazing efforts Rosalaine!

4B - Dillan for demonstrating our school values of Pride & Respect. He listens attentively at all times and completes work to a high standard. Keep up the great work!

4C - Ziah for your incredible effort this week. You settled in so well with a new classroom and new routines during your first week of school. You displayed enthusiasm and integrity in your learning by contributing to discussions and attempted all assigned tasks. You also demonstrated increasing confidence while collaborating with your new peers. Well done, Ziah!


3A - Aleyah for her valued contribution to class discussions. She is a persistent learner and is continuing to demonstrate increased confidence in her ability to share her ideas, with both her peers and the whole class. Fantastic effort as always Aleyah, keep up the amazing work! 

3B - Alessio for his incredible effort during our math's learning this week. He showed great resilience when presented with a five digit number that he had to represent in its place value. Fantastic work, Alessio!

3C - Aamir for inspiring his classmates and demonstrating the school values of integrity and collaboration. His peers appreciate his helpfulness and kindness when he works with them.


2C - Hamza for the pride and effort he has demonstrated when completing his learning tasks this week. Great job, Hamza!

2B - Zak for listening attentively, being ready for learning and his ability to focus on learning tasks. 

2A - Ashleigh for always putting in  a high level of effort and showing persistence with her learning. Well done Ashleigh!


1B - Saanjh for demonstrating a high level of dedication to her school work. In addition, she consistently shows kindness and respect to all classmates and teachers. Well done Saanjh!

1A - Jasper for showing pride in his learning when publishing his narrative this week. Well done Jasper, keep up the good work! 


FA - Nadia for showing pride in her work this week by completing all writing tasks to a high standard. Well done! 

FB - Norwayne for demonstrating resilience. She slowly developed her confidence and showed willingness  to join her classmates in the classroom each morning. Keep it up Norwayne!