Year 5/6 News

Buddies Movie Night
On Friday 24th November, the Year 6s and the Foundation students had a movie night. When we arrived, we picked our spots to get comfy and where to set up the teddies’ beds. Once everyone arrived, we started the movie. We watched Toy Story 1. At around 5.30pm we had our pizzas, and they were delicious! Then, once it hit 6.00pm, we had our dessert, which was ice-cream. After ice-cream, the Foundation buddies were very hyperactive; the Year 6s could not control them! We didn’t get to watch the end of the movie but it was still a super awesome night!
By Ella and Ava
Colour Run
On Friday 1st December we had our Colour Run. We started with the 5/6s and ended with Foundation. There were obstacle courses on the way. At the entrance, there was a balloon arch, the next station had bubble blowing and after that there was a limbo. Then there was colourful powder being squirted at us while we ran. When we got to the corner of the oval we had to run around the playground and get back on the track. After that there was a soccer goal with pool noodles hanging down from it, while getting sprayed with water. Down the hill there was another station with powder. Some kids got tired so they went to the middle of the oval where you could have a break and listen to the music. Then there was another station with water getting sprayed at us! When the Colour Run had stopped, we all sat down to see who got to slime the 1/2 teachers, as well as Miss Dinakis and Mr Butters!
By Sosefina and Elena
Year 5/6 Big Day Out
On Wednesday the 13th December, all the 5/6s went to Luna Park for their Big Day Out. The 5/6s got to roam around freely at Luna Park with their friends, and go on any rides they wanted. It was fun to watch all the teachers go on The Scenic Railway just before we had to leave. All the rides were really fast, fun and a little scary. Overall, the 5/6s and all the other schools had an amazing time at Luna Park!
By Tyler and Lachlan Z