Administration Updates

Payments And Permissions Now Due
School Levies for 2023
All families
Due Now
Parent Information 2024
Today, an envelope is going home with the eldest child in the family. It contains important information as well as the School Levies for 2024 and Annual Consent Forms, which need to be filled out for each child and returned to school, preferably by the end of this year or the start of 2024.
Subway Lunch Orders - Friday 15th December
As each grade is having their end-of-year class party this Friday 15th December, parents who have placed a Subway Lunch Order for their child ahead of time may wish to consider cancelling it. Any cancellation of an order will need to be done online by 3.00pm today (Thursday 14th December) or the order will be supplied.
Classroom Cuisine Lunch Orders
Please note, there will be no lunch orders on the last day of school for Term 4, Wednesday 20th December.
We wish all families a safe and happy Christmas. See you in 2024.
Administration Staff