Dates For Your Diary

Thursday 14th
- Scoresby PS Christmas Concert and Art Show, Art Show open from 4.00pm with bbq dinner available from 5.00pm and concert starting at 6.00pm (all welcome)
Friday 15th
- Cohort Transition session, 9.15-11.00am (whole school)
- End-of-year class parties, 12.30-1.30pm (whole school)
Monday 18th
- Year 6 Graduation, formalities begin at 5.15pm on stage (Year 6 students, their families and SPS staff)
Tuesday 19th
- Meet Your 2024 Teacher session, 9.00-11.00am (whole school)
Wednesday 20th
- Term 4 concludes, 1.30pm (whole school)
January 2024
Monday 29th
- Staff commence Term 1
Tuesday 30th
- Students commence Term 1