Class Updates

Year 3/4 Culture Sessions

Sherry Johnstone will be at the school on Monday 4th December to read The Magic Colours by Cecilia Egan and Elizabeth Alger to Year 3 and 4 classes. This traditional tale talks about topics such as being kind to others. Students will make a paper bird after the story.

Thank you to Sherry for conducting the Prep–Year 4 sessions this week. Students enjoyed the story “Fair Skin Black Fella” by Renee Fogorty. They discussed identity and used their own unique fingerprint to create an identity tree.

EAL - Christmas Crafts

Our EAL students were busy this week during their Christmas Craft sessions. As you can see they all had a wonderful time making tree decorations and present sacks.

Thank you to Wei-Lin and Nikki for continually providing such wonderful sessions for all our EAL students.