News of the Week

Dear St Brigid's Families
Welcome to this week's Student Newsletter proudly brought to you by the Arts, Culture and Wellbeing Group. Our office is now a forest of Christmas Trees, in fact we can't see Tracey! We have some very talented families at St Brigid's. We love the fact that no two trees are the same.
Aussie of the Month
Congratulations to Mato B (1/2E) who was awarded Aussie of the Month. Mato won the award for always being willing to help his friends and teachers. Mato always plays fairly and includes everybody both outside and in the classroom. He always cares for people when they are feeling sad or lonely.
Advent Paraliturgy
Mrs Marziano thought that the Year 3’s did a terrific job going onto the stage and speaking at last Friday's Advent Paraliturgy. They were very focused on the Gifts of the Spirit. They spoke fantastically and presented a very good liturgy. The Year 3's also did some beautiful artwork to celeberate Advent.
Year 3 - Briar
What did you think of the artwork shown during the liturgy?
I think it was very good. Everyone liked them.
Do you have a family tradition for christmas? What do you do?
I go to grandma’s house and sing Christmas carols.
Year 3 - Alfie
What did you think of the artwork shown during the liturgy?
I think it was very colourful and I liked it.
Do you have a family tradition for christmas? What do you do?
I go to Nan and Pop’s house on the 24th of December to sing carols and have dinner.
Colour Run
Foundation - Lachie N
What was the best part?
I liked getting painted with colour.
How did it make you feel?
It made me feel happy.
Would you like to do it again?
Yes. I would like to do it again.
Year One -
What was the best part?
I liked getting sprayed with colour
How did it make you feel?
It made me feel happy.
Would you like to do it again?
I would like to do it again.
Year Two - Jacob F
What was the best part?
Being able to be sprayed by colour with my friends was my favourite part.
How did it make you feel?
It made me feel happy being sprayed by colour with my friends.
Would you like to do it again?
Yes, I would like to do it again because it was really fun.
Year Three - Jordan B
What was the best part?
Running and having a good time with friends.
How did it make you feel?
It made me feel happy.
If we did it again what would you change if we could?
I would change it so we could run according to which class we are in.
Year Four - Charlotte D
What was the best part?
The best part was getting sprayed a lot while running around the obstacles.
How did it make you feel?
I felt happy and excited because we haven't done it in a while. It was very fun last time.
If we did it again what would you change if we could?
Nothing, because I liked everything about it.
Year Five - Eden D
What was the best part?
Getting sprayed with colour on my hair.
How did it make you feel?
Messy and tired from running.
If we did it again what would you change if we could?
More bottles for more colour and more volunteers would be good.
Year Six - Toby L
What was the best part?
The best part part about the colour run.
How did it make you feel?
It was a very good experience and everyone from Foundation to Year Six enjoyed having colour on them.
If we did it again what would you change if we could?
I would change maybe the amount of space used in this event and if we had more it would be more enjoyable for everyone.
St Vinnie’s Food Drive
This week we have had our annual St Vincent de Paul Christmas Food Drive. It finishes tomorrow. It's not too late to bring in your food donations so we can help and support the families in need in the Mordialloc area. We would love to see our donation pile double in size by tomorrow.
Some suggested donations are:
Foundation - toiletries - shampoo, toilet paper, toothpaste, tooth brushes, nappies, deodorant
Year 1/2 - chocolates and lollies for christmas, pantry staples
Year 3/4 - tinned fruit, sweet and savoury Biscuits, pantry staples
Year 5/6 - tea bags, coffee, milo, sugar, pantry staples
Or anything that you could use on a Christmas table - christmas pudding, mince pies, serviettes, bon bons. Please check the 'use by' date on all items donated.
Anyone who brings a donation to school tomorrow can come in their casual Christmas clothes. Remember that you must wear closed toe shoes eg: runners.
Christmas Carol Rehearsals
Junior School - Allegra
What is your favourite line or action in your classes Christmas Carol and why?
My favourite line, who comes around on a special night, because it has a cool picture.
My favourite action is Hohoho action that involves making Santa's belly jiggle because it is funny.
Middle School - Ollie
What is your favourite line or action in your classes Christmas Carol and why?
All the different songs and actions. And that everyone is good at their class actions.
Senior School - Aisling
What is your favourite line or action in your classes Christmas Carol and why?
Later we’ll have some pumpkin pie and do some caroling.
Year 6 Graduation Preparation
Class of 2023 - Some thoughts on their time at St Brigid's
What will you miss most about your time at St Brigid’s? Why?
One of the most important things I will miss the most are my teachers. Every single year at St. Brigid's, I've had the greatest teachers who taught me so much, and I'm so grateful for them. They have been supportive and fun, and I'm glad they taught me so many things. Another thing I will miss is being a leader at the school. It feels great to teach younger students so many different things and help them whenever they need it. The last thing that I will miss and something that I will never forget is playing on the basketball courts with my friends. We had a lot of fun and have created so many memories.
What will you miss most about your time at St Brigid’s? Why?
I think one of the things that I’m going to miss at St. Brigid’s are the friendships and the feel of community. Although I might make friends at my high school, the vast sea of faces can be daunting. Being at St. Brigid’s for so long and being in a smaller school helps create a sense of community and kinship, and it would be hard to recreate something so special in a larger and busier school.
What does Graduation Celebrations include? Lucas B
We are so excited about our Graduation. Next week will be busy with our Graduation Dance Party, Graduation Liturgy and Awards Ceremony, creating our legacy, Big Day Out, Final Day Breakfast, End of Year School Mass, End of Year Assembly which will include handover of Leadership to Year 5’s and everyone clapping us out. It's going to be a very big and exciting week.
Laps run = 293 laps
Km run = 14.7km
Total Km = 283.4km
We are on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy passing
Yes we are passing springhurst
We are km away from 46.7km Albury
Join us on Tuesday for our last running club of the year!! Triple points will be awarded for each lap!! We need everyone to help us get to Albury. Even if you haven't been to Running Club all year it would be great if you could join us at 8:15am on Tuesday. Mums, Dads, brothers, sisters and teachers are all welcome! Fingers crossed we will be enjoying Christmas dinner in Albury.
News from Foundation
This week we had our first ever Sibling Morning! We invited our younger siblings to join us in our Foundation classroom Tuesday morning. We read “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” and went on a treasure hunt to find the characters from the book. We then made Brown Bear headbands, followed by fruit time together. A great morning was had by all. In fact it was so great our brother's and sisters had so much fun they didn't want to leave.
Tuckshop Open tomorrow for the last time for 2023
Our Tuckshop will be open for lunch orders and over the counter sales tomorrow for the last time for 2023. We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Pam, Erin and Daniel for running the tuckshop this year. We all agree Friday is our favourite day and we love it when the whole school smells like popcorn!!!
We hope you enjoyed our newsletter.
Arts, Culture and Wellbeing Group
Oriarna, Keira, Matilda Aisling, Tate and Lucas