I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Mount Eliza Secondary College staff and students for making 2023 such a fantastic year. While we still have some post COVID bumps, I have seen great growth in ready to learn attitudes, positive mindsets and willingness to build strong and lasting relationships with each other. Likewise, we could not do this job without the support of our families and their ongoing trust and collaboration.
It has been wonderful to watch our 3 graduate teachers this year work tirelessly to find their groove and begin to become the professional, classroom practitioners they aim to be. They are entering a profession that is in a very different climate to when they started their tertiary education, yet they have soaked up professional learning opportunities, sought feedback from experienced teachers and focused on building positive relationships with their students. Well done Mrs Curtis, Mr Wilkins and Miss Ramsay.
The last 12 months has seen leaders and staff at the college reflecting, analysing and developing new structures and processes that better suit our students and growing population. Our Assistant Principals, Micah Davis, Celeste Lombardi and Cassie Willis, work with their middle leadership team to develop new routines and approaches to Reporting and Assessment and Student Wellbeing and Engagement. While some of this information has been shared with families in different year levels towards the end of 2023, 2024 will see the launching of information being shared in multi modal formats to support families in knowing and understanding how we work with their students each day, how they are being assessed and how to decipher reporting!
As a college we continue to delve into professional learning with REAL SCHOOLS. All staff and students are learning their restorative skills, to build strong, respectful relationships while understanding boundaries and high expectations. We are at the beginning of this journey, but we are seeing success with many of our students and staff around the college. Real Schools | Transforming and Enhancing your School’s Culture
As in all industries, teachers too are making work life decisions, or looking for roles that best suit their skill set and seeking challenge for professional growth. We are saying good bye to the following ongoing staff:
Rob Wallace. Rob has been our Numeracy Learning Specialist. He has supported his colleagues in building teacher capacity in numeracy and the whole college in data analysis and appreciation! We wish him and his partner all the best in their ‘island living’!
Stephan Tillet has been a senior math teacher at the college and Math Domain Leader. Stephan is moving to another college to continue to build and foster his leadership journey.
The following ongoing staff are taking 12 months leave..
Jenna Farrington has been successful in gaining employment at Warranwood Steiner College. Some of you will remember Jenna headed up the Steiner program at MESC a few years ago.
Sam Blair is excited to be a part of a Government initiative around STEM. A centre where students from schools can visit to have a hands on experience.
Jannik Koop is taking a tree change with his young family.
Ryan Sewart is relocating off the Peninsula
While recruitment continues to be a bit of an issue in education, at MESC we are excited at the new staff that will join our team, bringing with them enthusiasm and new ideas to share.
2024 will FINALLY see the renovation of our MYP and SPP bathrooms, installation of another new locker bay and development of some newly structured classrooms. I have been in preliminary conversations with the local Bendigo Bank to see how they may support us in rejuvenating an outdoor space for the students to learn in and enjoy- “watch this space”.
I would like to thank our inaugural Family and Friends Team for 2023. Katanya Barlow has done a magnificent job leading the FFA, motivating our school family community to support the college with fundraisers and support college events. With the fundraising we have been able to purchase timber seating under the school’s surrounding eaves and landscape our Indigenous garden. Please consider joining the team in 2024 so that we can do more for your students’ buildings and grounds.
Thank you to the families that are able and choose to financially contribute to their child’s education. It is important that we continue to have this support to ensure teachers can continue to provide engaging, authentic and applied learning. We want students to continue to engage in Forensic Science through crime scenes, have students bring home quality products from Design Technology and use extra support ICT programs to enhance learning experiences and outcomes.
Thank you and goodbye to families that leave with their youngest children- some families having been at the college for close to 15 years. Valedictory dinner was so meaningful to me, having conversations and reminiscing the positive experience your families have had at our great school.
I wish all of our students and families all the best and hope you have a restful summer break. Stay safe and we will see you all in 2024!