Deputy Principal

Mr Rex Bertrand

A quick pause to reflect.


As we approach the conclusion of another remarkable year at The Gap State High School, it is with great pride and gratitude that I reflect on the collective journey we have experienced together. The past twelve months have been a testament to our community's resilience, collaborative spirit, and numerous moments of triumph.


Many of our students have once again demonstrated an unwavering commitment to academic excellence, as showcased during the Junior School Excellence Evening. Ms. Anne McLauchlan awarded over 300 Principal Academic Awards, a testament to the hard work and enthusiasm our students consistently bring to their studies.


In our ongoing pursuit of excellence, we continued to embrace innovation in education. This year saw our teachers leading the charge in incorporating cutting-edge teaching methods through the implementation of Time4. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the parent body for your invaluable support in this collaborative endeavour. Special recognition goes to the Shadow Heads of Department and DTL leaders for their passionate leadership in advancing intentional collaboration and expert teaching and learning.


Our students have excelled not only academically but also in cultural and sporting arenas. To mention a few; the success of our Special Volleyball Program continues, and they are currently competing on the Gold Coast with high anticipation of bringing home some medals. The outstanding student-led musical, 'The Fungus,' is a testament to the diverse talents within the student body, and the countless musical achievements from our students and teachers in the Arts Department regularly highlight our newsletter.


Throughout the year, our commitment to fostering a strong sense of community has been a driving force. From parent-teacher interviews to school events and community outreach programs, we've strived to create an inclusive environment that values collaboration and participation. Special mentions to the HPE team for organising the Swimming Carnival, one of my favourite events of the year. And who can forget the razzle and dazzle that Julie Rowe always brings to The Gap Experience Twilight Evening for our potential new families?


I would like to express my gratitude to the entire Gap State High School community. To our parents, teachers, and teacher aides, thank you for your dedication, enthusiasm, and unwavering support for our students. Together, we have made this academic year a resounding success. A special thank you to our support staff in the office and behind the scenes; so much happens in this space to make our learning community run smoothly. And finally, we applaud our ground staff and cleaners who make our school functional and beautiful every day. These quiet achievers arrive early every morning and complete another shift each evening; your work does not go unnoticed.


As we bid farewell to 2023, I encourage you to reflect on your highlights and moments of gratitude. The new year holds exciting opportunities and challenges, and I am confident that The Gap State High School will continue to evolve, grow, and flourish. Wishing you all a joyful holiday season filled with warmth and laughter. May the new year bring continued growth, learning, and success to each and every one of you.