News From Mr Smith

Dear School Community Members,


Rememberance Day

We held our annual Remembrance Day commemoration on Monday and we were super proud of the respect and honour our students displayed. Many of our parents and guests in attendance congratulated our students on their exemplary behaviour and respect. Thank you to the families who attended our commemoration. I also congratulate our Grade 5 and 6 students for their significant contribution to leading the commemoration, along with Mr Gibson. 


2023 Student Leaders: I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding contribution our student leaders have made to our school this year. 

Each of the students who have been involved or selected to hold one of our leadership positions have done so in an outstanding manner. Their leadership, initiative, commitment to the position and their manner around the school has played a major role in the fantastic atmosphere evident within our school. Each of these students have laid a wonderful foundation for our 2024 student leadership team. I also acknowledge Ms Chapman, Mrs Forsyth and Mr Hambrook for guiding our student leaders throughout the year.


Writing Achievement – Sharmina Jovan: I congratulate Sharmina on her incredible achievement in the ‘Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition’. The Queen’s Commonwealth Writing Competition is an international opportunity for students and Sharmina achieved a ‘Gold Award’. Sharmina’s piece of writing was titled, ‘A Voice Within’. This writing is of exceptional quality and appeals to us to make our world a more peaceful place and to utilise our voice to make our lives as fulfilling as possible. This piece of writing is published in this newsletter (Senior News) and I encourage families to read and reflect on the ideas, beliefs and thoughts of Sharmina.

Congratulations, Sharmina!


Mano Colour Run: “The wait is finally over!”, said a Grade 1 student referring to our Colour Run. Our Colour Run was an incredible event and we thank the entire community for your support and enthusiasm. While the purpose of the Colour Run is multi-faceted, a key aim is to provide our students with an opportunity to participate in an event with their peers and community. We also aim to raise funds towards our Playground replacement – we look forward to sharing a final figure in the coming week. To our fabulous Parents and Friends Committee and the many parent volunteers supporting last Friday, THANK YOU!


Student Transition: Last Friday was our ‘One-Up’ session for all students. This session involves students participating in transition activities in their 2024 year level. This helps prepare students for their transition to their next year level. It was great to see our 2024 Prep students again, as well as our current students excited about all the opportunities and experiences they will engage in next year. Our next transition session is on Tuesday 12th December. On this day, all students will spend some valuable time with their 2024 teacher, with their 2024 classmates. Where possible, students will also visit their 2024 classroom. This session is a vital aspect of our school transition program.


Key Dates in November and December

  • Friday 24th November                       Curriculum Day – Pupil Free Day
  • Monday 27th November                   Curriculum Day – Pupil Free Day
  • Tuesday 12th December                   Mano Transition Day – students meet their 2024 teacher
  • Thursday 14th December                 Grade 6 Graduation ceremony
  • Friday 15th December                        End of Year Celebration – 9:30am – 11am
  • Wednesday 20th December            Last day of school year – 1:30pm dismissal

Thank you for supporting our school and have a great week.


Christian Smith
