Prep Wonga Weekly

Week 8, Term 4


🗓️ Dates for Term 4: 

Monday 20th - 24th November:  Swimming (every day of the week) 

Wednesday 22nd November: Hot Dog Day Orders due. Order here:

Wednesday 29th November: Hot Dog Day

Wednesday 6th December: Christmas Carols evening


🏊🏼‍♀️ Swimming Week: This week is swimming week!

An email was sent home last week with all the information about how to have a successful swimming week, and we have also attached it below:

Our sessions start at 1.15pm and we return to school at 2.45pm. 

**Please note that due to swimming we have a reduced program due to reduced teaching hours (therefore, you will notice a reduction in the amount of information in this edition of the Wonga Weekly). The Prep students will also be very tired as the week goes on!


🌈 Sky Colour Concert 🌈

We are so proud of our Prep students for the amazing concert they put on last week. Keep an eye out for the next newsletter, which will be filled with colourful photos!


Graduation Supper: Traditionally,Prep families have contributed the supper for our Grade 6 students at their graduation. We have attached information from the Grade 5 parents below:



🗞️ News Groups for this week: My greatest discovery in my learning at school.

*Due to the swimming program, we will be sharing our news each day after swimming in small groups. If your child wants to share, please ensure they bring their news from Monday. 


📚 Reading 

Students will revisit non fiction texts to discover about a sea creature. They will also learn about contractions (a word that's a shortened form of two words put together, eg. can't = can not). 


What can you do at home?

-Log into Reading Eggs and find a suitable text (remember to change the age for 5 - 7 years old).

-Assist your child to read their take home book each night and their magic words. 

-Help your child to read with expression and fluency as they read. 


🔡 Phonics 

Due to the swimming program, we will not be learning a new sound / digraph. We will explore phonics during our reading and writing sessions. 


📝 Writing 

Students will write about our experience at swimming using our senses and descriptive words (adjectives). 


What can you do at home?

-Continue to encourage correct pencil grip (pointer on top).

-Encourage correct formation of letters.

-If your child writes at home, assist them to hear and write the sounds in words. 


🔢  Maths 

Students will revisit graphing by posing questions and collecting information, and then graphing the results. 


What can you do at home? 

-Explore the Mathseeds app on the iPad. You might want to choose games / tasks that involve the concept of capacity.


🌏 CBL - Discovery 🔎

We will make discoveries on a topic that we want to know more about, such as sea creatures, animals, space - anything that holds interest for our students!