Dear Parents


Last Friday was an action packed day at school with the K-2 Athletics Carnival during the day and our School Disco held on Friday evening. 


Our K-2 children had a wonderful day at their carnival running in races and being involved in many activities and games. Thank you to Mrs McPhee and Mrs Murphy for their coordination of the day. Thank you to the staff and our house captains for their terrific work ensuring the children had a wonderful day. Thank you to our many parents and friends who came along to support us and cheer us along.



Our School Disco was another terrific event, with the children having a really fun time. Dancing and singing was aplenty. Thank you to Mrs Chaffey and Ms Lloyd for your coordination of the Disco and Mr DJ Datt for the incredible music and energy. Thank you to the staff and parents that came to assist with supervision, the canteen and BBQ. We raised $2079.00 at our Disco which will be donated to our Schools Spectacular excursion. 



Our School Leadership Team nominees for 2024 presented their speeches to the school on Tuesday morning. Wow! They were amazing. Congratulations to all of our nominees on the way they presented themselves. You made everyone at our school and your families extremely proud. Congratulations Romena Baniya, Sarah O'Brien, Hannah Skein, Nikki Allan, Tearani Cowell, Tilley Cole, Adelaide Fulthorpe, Scarlett Ryder, Max Naylor, Brody Miller, Lachlan Abbott, Beau Francis, Cooper Jones, Thor Sutton, Theo Lyle, Isaac Gafa. You were all fantastic.



Our Kinder children had their camping incursion on the school grounds on Wednesday. They had the most marvellous day. Thank you Mrs Goninan, Miss Bogle, Miss Solinas, Mrs Chaffey, Mrs Mooney, Mrs Whieldon, Ms Palay and Jim Milne for your support and organisation of the camp. The children absolutely loved the day.



Groups and times for our School Swimming Program have now been allocated and notes sent home with all children involved. Swimming commences on Monday, 27th November. If you need any additional information or assistance, please contact the school office.  


Year 6 are extremely excited to be hosting the Year 6 Mini Fete tomorrow. A reminder that children can wear 'free dress' tomorrow. Children are asked to not wear thongs, please. Tickets will be still on sale tomorrow morning before 9am. Parents and friends are welcome to come along and join in the fun from 11.30am-1.00pm.   


Next Tuesday 21st November, Stage 2 will hold a showcase to exhibit their projects. The showcase commences at 2.15pm, and parents are welcome to come in and look at the phenomenal work Stage 2 have done. 


Good luck to our Schools Spectacular children who head to Sydney for intensive rehearsals next Wednesday and Thursday and then performances on Friday and Saturday. Mrs McClements, Miss Solinas and Mrs Cafe will accompany the children on this excursion. We know the children will have a wonderful time at Schools Spec 2023!


If any parent has concerns regarding any aspect of school life, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kate White 
