Clyde North Campus News

As usual the past couple of weeks have been very productive and different as junior students engaged in project day while the seniors received critical feedback on their recent examinations.
These activities provide the opportunity for students and staff to reflect on the progress and growth that has been achieved during second semester.
Alongside this time of reflection on growth within the classroom is also the opportunity for students to step outside their comfort zone and into the world of wonderings and possibilities.
Year seven and eight students experienced a different type of learning in the form of Project Day. They were set the task of completing a new project that would stretch their imagination and test their collaborative skills. The success of the day was clearly evident in the amount of projects completed and with many selected as finalists in the Project competition. Showcasing their innovative and creative projects in the Geode to a huge audience of peers is in itself an accomplishment. Projects ranged from magic tricks, investigative reports on historical conspirarcy theories to constructing survival guides to support the transition for our new year 7 students 2024. It was also pleasing to see so many projects based on our ROCKS resulting in new posters, cartoons and story books being developed.
Year seven and eight students can be very proud of the way they conducted themselves throughout the day and their finished projects. Well done and I am having a very difficult time selecting the winners. Winners of the project competition will be announced next week. Good luck to all the entires.
Peer Support
While year seven and eight were busy developing projects, our year nine students were fully engaged in Peer Support training and Careers. We are very deliberate in scheduling the peer support training during term 4 and right before Head Start as we have found this to be the perfect time in the development and maturity of year nine students for them to be able to fully understand the complexity of being a peer support person. From this training students will make formal application to become a Peer Support Person for the year 7 students in 2024. As year 10 students they will have a good level of insight into the difficulties and challenges that transition into secondary school can bring. It is this wisdom that they will draw on to fully support and guide the new year seven students, just as they were when they began their secondary schooling.
New College and House captains 2024
We officially welcomed and presented the College and House Captains for 2024 this week with our final campus assembly for 2023. To support the induction of our new student leaders it is important to give them the opportunity to meet with the 2023 student leaders. This provides both mentoring and coaching opportunities. Last week the 2024 College Captains shared an afternoon tea with the 2023 College Captains who returned to the college for this important occasion. This was highly successful event and has provided more confidence for the new captains as they transition into roles during Head Start. We will host a similar event for the new 2024 House Captains early next year.
My sincere thanks to the returning 2023 captains who gave up so generously their time to attend this event. It was another fine example of their impressive leadership as individuals and as team.
As the 2024 Executive Captains, we were gifted the opportunity to meet with the current 2023 Executive Captains for afternoon tea and the exchange of wise words. This event was a time where the 2023 Captains presented us with their advice and encouragement. In turn, we were able to strengthen our ideas and inspiration to continue to grow the legacy they have left behind. It was an event that gave us an idea of the journey we will experience as captains. I am thankful for the meeting being organized and the 2023 Captains support. (The grapes I ate were also the best I ever had.) Azaria College Captain 2024
We began Head Start this week, which is always exciting as students move into their new year level and classes. It is also important time to remember to stay on task and to maintain high standards in the following;
- Mobile phone policy
- Application to classes, homework and study
- Uniform – all aspects of including bringing the school bag. Please note no other bags are permitted.
- Punctuality – Lateness cannot be tolerated, please support your child getting to school on time every day.
We finish very soon, so let us ensure it is a great finish to 2023.
I wish you all a safe and productive week, and remember with gratitude optimism is sustainable.
Mrs Julie Banda
Head of Clyde North Campus