Catholic Identity & Mission News

We might be getting closer to the end of the school year but there’s still so much going on here at St Peter’s. Next week our Year 12’s will go on their Retreat to Rawson Village. Year 12 Retreat in a Catholic school is a rite of passage. It provides for a very special time for our senior students to spend some time away together at the start of their final year of secondary education. It’s always a happy and interesting time – every group is different, but hopefully these two groups will follow in the footsteps of their predecessors and enter into the experience really positively. I invite you to pray for our students and staff on Retreat (as we will for you!), that it will be a time of bonding, reflection, discernment, and fun for all. We are also gearing up for our end of year masses, our Advent masses. Advent is the period of penance and preparation for Christmas. On Wednesday, December 6, all Clyde North teachers and students will be attending mass at St Thomas the Apostle at midday, and on Thursday, December 7, all Cranbourne teachers and students will attend mass in the Cranbourne Campus Hall at midday. These masses offer us the opportunity to give thanks for our families, friends, school and all the blessings that come with being afforded a top education in a country such as Australia. We also sincerely pray for peace in our world, and for justice for those who do not experience the freedoms and opportunities we do.
As part of these end of year celebrations, we will again participate in the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Over the next few weeks, our Social Justice groups, Youth Ministry and VM students will lead the way in promoting a generous response from our school community so that the Cranbourne conference of St Vincent de Paul can again provide food, drinks, and gifts for those in need in our local community. Below, there is a list of items that Vinnies find best meet the needs of their clients. There will be collection boxes in all House areas and donations can also be dropped in at Student Reception. The collection will close on Monday, December 11 - thank you to all in our College community in anticipation of your support!
In addition to the donation of Christmas presents (unwrapped / or wrapped with a card indicating who the gift is suitable for) or financial contributions (paid to the College office on either campus), the following is a list of items that Vinnies find are appreciated in Christmas hampers:
Tin of Ham 450g
2ltr Bottles of soft drink
Packet Allens 500g (party mix) of lolliesCarton
Foster Clark longlife Custard 1ltr
Tin Beetroot 450g
Bottle of cordial 2ltrs
Tin Peaches 850g
Packet cream biscuits 250g
800g Fruit cake
Plum pudding 700g
Packet pasta 500g
Bottle Pasta sauce 570g
Jar Vegemite 500g
Jar Peanut Butter 500g
Packet of Gravy Mix
Tin Spaghetti 440g
Tin Baked Beans 440g
Packet Seasoned Stuffing mix 200g
Tin Fruit Salad 850g
Packet Shapes biscuits 200g
Longlife Milk 1ltr
Ms Fiona McKenna
Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity & Mission