Lindy Burke


Congratulations to Ryder R, Ruby L, Patrick D and Stella B who have been awarded the prestigious position as School Captains for 2024. I am certain that they will do a wonderful job in leading our school into the future.



I would also like to acknowledge and thank all other nominees for their dedication to our school, for their courage in stepping up and running for these positions. Running for leadership positions is a courageous step and the skills and the experience gained during the process are valuable regardless of the outcome. These student’s ability to handle both success and setback with grace, will only further contribute to their personal and leadership development in the future, many of whom I am sure, will step up again next week and run for House Captain positions. I am so proud of our future grade sixers and look forward to working with them all in various leadership roles throughout the coming year.


School Magazine

Yesterday our printed School Magazines arrived at school. Copies are limited, so don’t miss out and get your order in. The Magazine is packed with 2023 memorable moments and there are lots of  QRCodes that will link you to many great videos that were created throughout the year.

Scan the QRCode to order your copy today!




Our teachers have now been finalised for 2024.

It is always very exciting completing such a complex puzzle. There are no new faces in the classrooms, but we do welcome back Chelsea Tucker, Kristy Grant and Janine Hill, even if only for a couple of days a week.


Prep:        00A -  Mia Dixon

                  00B - Emily Gusman  

                  00C - Rebecca Turner

Level 2:  12A -  Britany Church  

                 12B – Fleur Gilmour

                 12C - Caity Sim  

Level 3:   34A - Lauren Campbell

                  34B - Naomi Hamilton 

                  34C - Sarah Taylor & Louise Holmfield 

Level 4:   56A – Pedro Merlo 

                 56B - Josh Molluso  

                 56C - Deena Pridham

                 56D – Sarah Williams & Chelsea Tucker


Specialist Staff:

                 Ben Holmfield - PE & Fitness

                 Nicki Chalmers - Wellbeing

                 Trinity Keath - Mindfulness & Yoga

                 Louise Holmfield - Visual Art

                 Jeff Millard - LOTE: Indonesian

                 Britt Saunders - Science


Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) Tutors:

                 Janine Hill (Level 2)

                 Brit Saunders (Level 3)

                 Kristy Grant (Level 4)


Disability Inclusion Coordinator:

                 Kirstie Gebbie

Mental Health in Primary Schools Coordinator:

                 Nicki Chalmers



After an extremely complex and lengthy process, we have almost finalised our 2024 class lists. With lists printed, it is now time to check and double check the list to make sure we have not missed anyone and have put together 13 complementary grades. Students will meet their 2024 classes on Monday the 18th of December. On this day, students will meet their classmates, teacher and classroom for 2024.

Don’t miss it!