Victorian High-Ability Program News

VHAP Teacher
VHAP Masterclasses
In the last week of school VHAP students attended a maths and English masterclass run respectively by Ms Langenegger and Ms Clarkson. Students had the opportunity to work collaboratively and explore their creativity.
The maths students designed images using Desmos graphing calculator.
“I learnt how to make cool patterns and shapes using Desmos graph Calculator”-Guillaume
“Today’s masterclass was very interesting and challenged my brain”- Clara
“Learning how to make designs and art using graphing was fun yet hard, it was hard to master placement but once we learnt, seeing our snowman made me proud.” - Xavier
The English program students have studied a Dystopian society and in the masterclass used their knowledge to create their own Utopian bedrooms working as designers to deliver the perfect room for themselves.
“We enjoyed using our imagination to reflect our ideas of the future!”- Param, Ahana and Aiden
“It was fun describing a perfect room, as it made us think of ideal solutions to the pettiest problems in our lives.”- Adam, Isaac and Anish