P & F News 


Happy Monday to all our St. Fidelis' families. The P&F Committee hopes that you all had a restful weekend.  The end of year is fast approaching, and we still have some wonderful memories to make, so please read on for all your need-to-know information.

Upcoming Events 

P&F Meeting – Monday 13th November 7pm (staffroom)

Icy Pole Friday – every Friday for only $1 each

P&F Morning Tea – Friday 1st December

Colour Fun Run – Friday 8th December

P&F AGM – Monday 11th December 7pm (staffroom)

Christmas Carol Evening – Thursday 14th December

Crazy Camel Artwork

Online orders for Crazy Camel Artwork are now CLOSED. Thank you to all the families who ordered artwork for their children, your support for this fundraiser is very much appreciated. The P&F will keep you updated with delivery day and time for artwork, thank you.

P&F Morning Tea 

On the first Friday of every month, the P&F will be hosting a FREE morning tea straight after assembly, in the school staffroom. We invite all parents/carers to attend and have a cuppa and light refreshments with us.  The next morning tea is on Friday 1st December. We encourage you to attend as we would love to keep building on the wonderful school community that we already have. The morning tea will run until approximately 10:30am or thereabouts. See you there 😊

Colour Fun Run

On Friday 8th December the St. Fidelis students will have an AMAZINGLY FUN day participating in the Colour Fun Run.  Families, please jump online https://myprofilepage.com.au/ (Australian Fundraising) to create your child/s profile. On this page, children can create profiles which they can share with loved ones to receive monetary donations towards this event. The more money the children raise, the more prixes they can earn. If you have any further questions/concerns about this event, please contact Bec Koutivas at bterra86@gmail.com Thank you.

St. Fidelis Annual Christmas Carols

On Thursday 14th December our children will be bringing the Christmas spirit to St. Fidelis with their wonderful singing of carols.  This evening will be a great way for our St. Fidelis community to finish off 2023. There will be a sausage sizzle and Christmas raffle. More information coming shortly.

THANK-YOU for taking the time to stay updated with the P & F NEWS!

Our next P&F meeting is TONIGHT Monday 13th November at 7pm in the school staffroom, you are welcome to join us. And please, if you have any ideas to help with fundraising or event organisation, general queries relating to P&F NEWS, are able to provide goods/services for use in fundraising events or if you would like to join our team, please contact: JOSIE SERVELLO  -  0421 076 580   josieservello@gmail.com