Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 7 Term 4

St Fidelis School is committed to the care, wellbeing and protection of children, young people and vulnerable people in our community. 

Dear Parents and Carers,


As you may or may not be aware, there is a nationwide issue of teacher shortages and teacher burnout.  Research suggesting this is emerging from the COVID pandemic. This is a concern for all schools and education systems. It is something that all schools are currently experiencing throughout Australia.


Teachers put an enormous amount of time and effort into documentation, planning, assessment and compliance, which they are now required to do. 


Many parents would be unaware of the requirements that are contributing to this additional workload. Many of our teachers who work at St Fidelis’, work hours after school and on weekends to complete these tasks and requirements. The level of detail contained in this newsletter is an example of the additional hours that staff take to complete each week to inform parents of their children's learning.


As teachers, we want the best for the children at St Fidelis. This is the core purpose of our profession. We want them to have the best education possible and be happy, healthy, independent and resilient. In addition, we want to work with parents to support your children. 


Today, November 13th is World Kindness Day. This day is devoted to the positive potential of both large and small acts of kindness. It is a timely reminder to be kind to each other, especially our teachers, and support each other to give the children the best possible education.

Remembrance Day


Thank you to Year 3/4 students and teachers, for leading us in a beautiful and prayerful reflection for Remembrance Day last Friday morning at assembly. Thank you also to all the families who attended the event. It is always very supportive to see so many parents interested and involved with the learning opportunities we offer our students. 

Parents and Friends' Meeting -Tonight 7pm 

If you are available to attend the Parents and Friends' meeting tonight, you are most welcome.  First timers are always welcome no matter what time of the year it is. The meeting will be in the school staffroom. Hope to see you there.

Save the Date! - FRIDAY DECEMBER 1ST

A special school assembly and blessing by Fr Linh to officially open our STEM INNOVATION RESOURCE CENTRE (formerly known as the Library). 


I extend an invitation to all the parent community for this blessing and morning tea in the new space. It is our way of saying thank you for all your support with fundraising over the years in order for us to renovate our old library space into an engaging learning area. 


There will be an unveiling of a plaque to acknowledge our generous parent community and some presentations  to our key drivers who have been instrumental in making this happen. Hope to see you all there..

Foundation Students & Families for 2024 School

Welcome to the students and their families once again for school experience number three.  This week, the students will have an opportunity to listen to Sally Lentini, Wellbeing and Learning Diversity Leader.


Planning for 2024 is well underway. As I am sure you can appreciate, student placement in classes for the following year is something we take seriously and take time to consider. The “Class Creator” program assists us to sort students into classes based on:

  • Academic, emotional and social needs
  • Reasonable gender balance across classes
  • Reasonable academic balance across classes
  • Relationships of students both working and friendship
  • Special placements needs 

The teachers also ask their students to list five friends that they learn well with, not necessarily are their best friends. We consider students' voices when planning classlists. 


The staff as professional educators make decisions in light of what is best for the child and for the school. If you believe, you need to communicate any information that could impact on your child’s placement please email mwatson@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au for consideration no later than Wednesday 15th November.  


Information should be based on individual needs and not requests for teachers. Please note a request is not a guarantee, it will inform the process. Emails received after this day will not be considered

Zooper Dooper Fridays

Each Friday in Term 4, our Parents and Friends and School Leaders will be selling Zooper Doopers for $1 at lunch time. 




Have a lovely week 
