Parents & Citizens
Supporting our Children
Parents & Citizens
Supporting our Children
The P&C usually meet on the first Monday of each month from 5.30 pm at the school. Everyone is welcome to come along!
As in previous years, we will be running a raffle on Presentation day. We wanted to give our school community the opportunity to donate items for prizes.
We are asking for donations of stand-alone prizes, as well as smaller items to be used in a hamper. If you or someone in your family, your friends or neighbours run a small business, this would be an excellent opportunity to advertise their products or services.
Please drop any donations to Anne in the office, or talk to a member of the P&C if you can help. We need any donations to us by Friday 1st December so we can print the prize list.
Thanks for your support!
Our canteen operates each Thursday. We ask that students bring in their lunch order on the day in a clearly marked bag with the correct money enclosed. Our menu is as follows:
Pies $3.00
Sausage Rolls $3.00
4 X Nuggets $3.00
Pizza singles $3.00
Macaroni & Cheese $3.00
Flavoured Milk $2.00
Popper $1.50
Ice creams $1.50
Ice block $1.00
We are always seeking volunteers even if only one day per term so if you are able to spare some time, approximately 1 hr to assist with canteen please contact Erica via details below.
Uniforms - Rose 0438 828 247
Canteen - Erica 0422 054 475
P&C Secretary