MECS Notes

Some friendly reminders from the Main Office
Please check the Lost Property for any items your child may have lost during the term. Any unnamed, unclaimed items will be taken to the local Op Shop at the end of the term.
The last day of school for the year is Wednesday 13 December. Please note, school finishes at 2pm on this day. Buses will run to this adjusted time.
Lastly, the Main Office will be closed from 15 December through to 15 January. You are welcome to email the office on, but please keep in mind this inbox will be checked sporadically.
The first day of school for 2024 is Monday 29 January.
We wish you a safe and blessed Christmas!
MECS Administration
Board Report
As the 2023 school year comes to a close we can look back and reflect on a wonderful year! As a community we have celebrated the 50th Anniversary of MECS very well with multiple events across the year. As a Board, we had the task of appointing the next MECS Principal and are so pleased that Michelle Dempsey will step into the role next year.
We want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful job Narelle Sketcher has done for the past 10 years. Under her leadership MECS has thrived. Can we encourage you to pray for Narelle and her husband Chris as they step into a new season of their life. Please also pray for Michelle and Mic as they are also preparing for a new season.
Thank you for your prayers for our Board this year, it has been a significant year! We are looking forward to see what exciting plans God has in store for our community in 2024!
Sue, Rob, Tim, Ally, Paul & Nicole
Staff News - Lisa Dumicich
We are pleased to let you know, that after a request from Christian Education National, we have been able to release Lisa Dumicich, our Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning, to be the Acting Principal at Wagga Wagga Christian School in 2024.
Lisa has been granted a 12-month ‘leave of absence’ from MECS to serve in this capacity. We are pleased that MECS has the depth of leadership across the school, that we were able to consider this request and that clearly, Lisa has the leadership skills to be able to quickly step into this position.
Lisa was not only instrumental in leading our teachers through COVID, but also in implementing new systems such as Schoolbox and Compass over recent years, which has significantly improved our communications, reporting and access for students to their learning programs. She has been a huge asset to our school in recent years.
We wish her well and pray that God will be with her in this important role. We look forward to her return in 2025!
Narelle Sketcher
MECS Principal