Celebrating Student Learning 

Year 3 Scaffolding Literacy

The Year 3 students have been studying the book, ‘Boy’ by Phil Cummings for our Scaffolding Literacy. We used the author’s words as a guide to complete our own writing.

Below is the extract that we focused on and then used it into our own short narrative.

BoyWho (Noun)He Noun (Who)His parents Who (Noun)
Couldn’t  Contractions Spoke Verb Loved his stories… What 
Hear Verb With dancing handsFigurative language ButConnective 
But Connective andConnective The villagers Noun 
heWho (Noun)Drew pictures What Didn’t Contraction 
Was happy Adjective For people Who  Understand Verb 
  In the sandSetting   

Writing piece #1

Hi my name is Sabrina and today at school was so crazy. My best friend Abby told me the craziest story ever. Abby couldn’t walk she was a bit sad, she sung with her hair as well as wrote stories for her family, her family HATED them because they couldn’t read the stories.


I felt really bad for her, I decided to support and encourage her to move on.


Every time I came to her house I told her to never give up and I gave her a lot of ideas.

And that brings us here, 18 years later, she is the most famous writer ever, she has published over 108 books I am extremely happy for her. I hope she doesn’t give up on her future dreams. 

By Semaet 3C 


Writing piece #2

8:00am: ‘Ding’. I got a message. It read, “You are going to DPW, a new school.” “I’m on my way,” I texted back.


When I go there, Max was going coo, coo! I didn’t sit because I was angry. I yelled with an angry face and shouted at Max, “SIT IN YOUR SEAT!”


I sent Max to the Principal but the Principal couldn’t expel him.

At the end of the day I said, “I’m never going back to that school again!”

By Lenny 3C 

Wonder Recycling Rewards

Well done to all the staff and students who helped our school collect reward points by collecting bread bags last term. Below is a picture of the prizes we received for our school, 5 new soccer balls.