Student of the Week 

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Saachi FA for showing pride and integrity in Art. Saachi is always respectful and focused, she is a wonderful collaborator and is a kind and supportive classmate. 

Well done Saachi, you are a pleasure to have in my Art class!

Performing Arts - Muzi FA for consistently showing integrity and pride in his dance and being an excellent role model to his peers. Well done for displaying your moves with lots of energy and body control. Keep up the good work!


LLI -  Daniel 1/2E has been recognised for the level of focus that he displayed during L.L.I. reading sessions this week.  Well done, Daniel.  You should feel very proud of yourself.


6B - Eshaan for writing an entertaining persuasive piece that had an engaging voice. Keep up the good work!

6C - Lihli for attending school each day this week with a smile and a positive attitude. 6C thoroughly enjoys having you in the classroom!


5A - Matewos for showing persistence, resilience and striving to do his best. Well done on your reading and Maths achievements this year Matewos!

5B - Nathan for your awesome growth in Reading this Semester. Well done Nathan, keep reading lots & lots of books!

5C - Henry for working collaboratively with peers and including everyone. Keep working hard and doing your best. Well done Henry!


4A - Elyana for consistently showing all of the school values and being an excellent role model to her peers. Amazing work, Elyana!

4C - Kim for consistently demonstrating integrity and resilience during learning this week. You contributed to group discussions with enthusiasm, and actively sought out feedback to improve your work. Well done, Kim!


3A - Bosilija for showing pride and integrity. Bosilija, you have been voted by your peers because you are kind, put effort into your work and work well with everyone. Great job Bosilija!

3B - Thao for being a focused learner and her classmates appreciate her kindness and the way she helps others. (From week 7)

3C - Vincci for showing a high level of effort in all areas of her learning and continuing to work independently.


1/2A - Avery for working hard to focus on his work and using learning time effectively. 

1/2BHanna for displaying the school values of Integrity and Pride when completing independent work. Well done Hanna!

1/2C - Abigail for showing our school value of respect by being friendly and helpful towards her peers. Well done Abigail! 

1/2D -Christina V for being a valued member of our class and demonstrating how to be a learner. You are an attentive listener and consistently focus on your work without distraction. Well Done!

1/2E - Viraj for demonstrating resilience. Viraj persisted to solve challenging multiplication problems in Maths. He was patient and used his prior knowledge and skills to help him complete new learning tasks. Keep it up Viraj!


FA - Pharez - for remaining focused during learning time. Well done!


Highlighted Students

Lower Primary: 

1/2C - Abigail for showing our school value of respect by being friendly and helpful towards her peers. Well done Abigail! 

Upper Primary: 

3C - Vincci for showing a high level of effort in all areas of her learning and continuing to work independently.